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The height reached by a ball thrown upward depends on its initial speed: the higher the initial speed, the higher the maximum height reached. This is because a greater initial speed gives the ball more kinetic energy, allowing it to overcome gravity and reach a higher position before gravity brings it back down.

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Q: When a ball is throw upward how does the height reached by the ball depend on its initial speed?
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When a ball is thrown upward what does the height reached by the ball depend on?

The height reached by a ball thrown upward depends on the initial velocity of the throw, the force of gravity acting on the ball, and air resistance. The height reached is determined by balancing the initial kinetic energy of the throw with the potential energy gained as the ball moves upward against the force of gravity.

What relationship exists between the initial velocity and the maximum height reached by an object thrown upward?

Ignoring air resistance, I get this formula:Maximum height of a vertically-launched object = 1.5 square of initial speed/GI could be wrong. In that case, the unused portion of my fee will be cheerfully refunded.

A body thrown in the vertically upward direction rises up to a height and comes back to the position of its start?

The body will continue to rise until the force of gravity acting against its motion brings it to a stop before it falls back down to its starting position due to gravity pulling it back down. The total time of flight and maximum height reached depend on the initial velocity of the body and the acceleration due to gravity.

1 If you toss a ball upward with a certain velocity it falls freely and reaches a maximum height h What maximum height does the ball reach if you throw it upward with double the initial velocity?

If you throw the ball upward with double the initial velocity, it will reach a maximum height four times greater than the initial height. This is because the maximum height is directly proportional to the square of the initial velocity.

The velocity of a body thrown vertically upward is reduced into half in one secondwhat is the maximum height attained by it?

The maximum height attained by the body can be calculated using the formula: height = (initial velocity)^2 / (2 * acceleration due to gravity). Since the velocity is reduced to half in one second, we can calculate the initial velocity using the fact that the acceleration due to gravity is -9.81 m/s^2. Then, we can plug this initial velocity into the formula to find the maximum height reached.

Related questions

When a ball is thrown upward what does the height reached by the ball depend on?

The height reached by a ball thrown upward depends on the initial velocity of the throw, the force of gravity acting on the ball, and air resistance. The height reached is determined by balancing the initial kinetic energy of the throw with the potential energy gained as the ball moves upward against the force of gravity.

What relationship exists between the initial velocity and the maximum height reached by an object thrown upward?

Ignoring air resistance, I get this formula:Maximum height of a vertically-launched object = 1.5 square of initial speed/GI could be wrong. In that case, the unused portion of my fee will be cheerfully refunded.

A body thrown in the vertically upward direction rises up to a height and comes back to the position of its start?

The body will continue to rise until the force of gravity acting against its motion brings it to a stop before it falls back down to its starting position due to gravity pulling it back down. The total time of flight and maximum height reached depend on the initial velocity of the body and the acceleration due to gravity.

A girl threw a ball upward with an initial velocity of 2000cm/sec and was able to catch it before it reached the ground on its return.C.) how far was the maximum height from starting point?

algebra 2 right? i hated that unit man i forgot everything we learned in that class

1 If you toss a ball upward with a certain velocity it falls freely and reaches a maximum height h What maximum height does the ball reach if you throw it upward with double the initial velocity?

If you throw the ball upward with double the initial velocity, it will reach a maximum height four times greater than the initial height. This is because the maximum height is directly proportional to the square of the initial velocity.

The velocity of a body thrown vertically upward is reduced into half in one secondwhat is the maximum height attained by it?

The maximum height attained by the body can be calculated using the formula: height = (initial velocity)^2 / (2 * acceleration due to gravity). Since the velocity is reduced to half in one second, we can calculate the initial velocity using the fact that the acceleration due to gravity is -9.81 m/s^2. Then, we can plug this initial velocity into the formula to find the maximum height reached.

How do you answer this physics question?

A ball is thrown vertically upward with an initial speed of 20m/s. Two second later, a stone is thrown vertically (from the same initial height as the ball) with an initial speed of 24m/s. At what height above the release point will the ball and stone pass each other?

What is the initial velocity of a bullet fired verticaly upward from a gun and reaches a height of 7000 ft?

The initial velocity of the bullet can be obtained by using the kinematic equation for projectile motion. Assuming we neglect air resistance, the initial velocity of the bullet fired vertically upward from a gun can be calculated by setting the final velocity as 0 when it reaches the maximum height of 7000 ft. Using the equation v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where v is the final velocity (0 m/s), u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration due to gravity, and s is the total displacement. Solve for u to find the initial velocity of the bullet.

What is the boy throw a stone vertically upward with an initial velocity of 6.0 ms?

The boy throws a stone vertically upward with an initial velocity of 6.0 m/s, meaning the stone is moving against gravity. It will reach a maximum height and then fall back down due to gravity. The stone will eventually return to the ground after reaching its highest point.

What do vertical component of the projectile motion of an object depend on?

The vertical component of projectile motion depends on the initial vertical velocity of the object, the acceleration due to gravity acting downward, and the time the object has been in motion. The vertical component is independent of the horizontal velocity.

A ball player catches a ball 3.0 s after throwing it vertically upward a With what speed did he throw it b What height did it reach?

a) To find the initial speed, use the equation v = u - gt, where v is final velocity (0 m/s at the top of the trajectory), u is initial velocity (what we want to find), g is acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t is time (3.0 s). b) To find the height reached, use the equation h = ut - 0.5gt^2, where h is the height, u is the initial velocity, g is acceleration due to gravity, and t is time. Sub in the values to get the height.

If an object is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 32 feet per second from 40 feet above the ground write the height equation?

The height, in feet, above the ground at time t, H(t) = 40 + 32*t - 16*t2