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Net force = Force of gravity - Force of air resistance = weight - air resistance = mg - 800N.

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Q: When a N parachutist opens his chute and experiences 800 N of air resistance the net force on him is?
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A 500-N parachutist opens his chute and experiences an air resistance force of 800 N The net force on the parachutist is?

The net force on the parachutist is 300 N (800 N - 500 N = 300 N) in the opposite direction of the parachutist's downward motion. This net force contributes to the deceleration of the parachutist as they descend.

When A parachutist reaches it terminal speed?

When a parachutist reaches terminal speed, the force of air resistance pushing up on the parachutist equals the force of gravity pulling the parachutist downward. At this point, the net force on the parachutist is zero, resulting in a constant velocity.

How does air resistance affect the way the parachutist falls?

Air resistance, also known as drag, affects the way a parachutist falls by slowing down their descent. As the parachutist falls, the force of air resistance increases with speed, eventually reaching a point where it equals the force of gravity pulling the parachutist down. This creates a situation known as terminal velocity, where the parachutist falls at a constant speed without accelerating further.

How does the air resistance affect the parachutist's fall?

It is air resistance which slows the rate at which a parachutist falls, turning what would otherwise be a fatal fall into a controlled landing.

What are the directons in which the forces are acting when a parachutist when he is falling?

When a parachutist is falling, the forces acting on them are gravity pulling them downward and air resistance pushing against their fall. Gravity is the dominant force causing the parachutist to accelerate towards the ground while air resistance counteracts this force, eventually leading to a terminal velocity where the forces are balanced.

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A 500-N parachutist opens his chute and experiences an air resistance force of 800 N The net force on the parachutist is?

The net force on the parachutist is 300 N (800 N - 500 N = 300 N) in the opposite direction of the parachutist's downward motion. This net force contributes to the deceleration of the parachutist as they descend.

If a 500 N parachutist opens their chute giving an air resistance force of 900 N what is the net force?

If the falling parachutist has a downward force of 500 N, and the air resistance force is 900 N (negative), then the net force is:500 N - 900 N = -400 N So, the parachutist gets a net upward force, causing him to decelerate while continuing to move downward, due to gravity.

The force which slows down a parachutist?

Air resistance or upthrust :)

What force slows down parachutist?

'Drag' which is air resistance.

What force would change if a parachutist opens the parachute during the fall What will happen to the net force and acceleration over time after that?

When the parachutist opens the parachute, the air resistance force will increase. This will reduce the net force acting on the parachutist, causing a decrease in acceleration over time. As the parachute slows the descent, the net force continues to decrease until the parachutist reaches a terminal velocity.

When A parachutist reaches it terminal speed?

When a parachutist reaches terminal speed, the force of air resistance pushing up on the parachutist equals the force of gravity pulling the parachutist downward. At this point, the net force on the parachutist is zero, resulting in a constant velocity.

How does air resistance affect the way the parachutist falls?

Air resistance, also known as drag, affects the way a parachutist falls by slowing down their descent. As the parachutist falls, the force of air resistance increases with speed, eventually reaching a point where it equals the force of gravity pulling the parachutist down. This creates a situation known as terminal velocity, where the parachutist falls at a constant speed without accelerating further.

How does the air resistance affect the parachutist's fall?

It is air resistance which slows the rate at which a parachutist falls, turning what would otherwise be a fatal fall into a controlled landing.

Why does a parachutist have two terminal velocities?

A parachutist has two terminal velocities because before the parachute is deployed, they fall at a faster velocity due to air resistance being lower. Once the parachute is deployed, the surface area increases, causing air resistance to increase and the parachutist to reach a new, slower terminal velocity.

What are the directons in which the forces are acting when a parachutist when he is falling?

When a parachutist is falling, the forces acting on them are gravity pulling them downward and air resistance pushing against their fall. Gravity is the dominant force causing the parachutist to accelerate towards the ground while air resistance counteracts this force, eventually leading to a terminal velocity where the forces are balanced.

What force slows down a parachutist?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is the force that slows down a parachutist as they fall through the air. The parachute helps increase the surface area, resulting in more drag force and slowing down the descent.

What is the force that slows a parachutist down as they fall through the air?

Air Resistance or friction with the air.