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Kim's hearing threshold.

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Q: When Kim is first able to detect a sound in a quiet room the sound has reached?
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Related questions

What is a quietest sound you can hear?

The quietest sound that a human ear can typically detect is around 20 decibels, which is equivalent to the sound of leaves rustling or a ticking watch in a quiet room.

What is a faint sound?

A faint sound is quiet or barely audible, often requiring careful listening to detect. It may be soft and subtle, making it difficult to hear clearly or distinguish from surrounding noise.

How do you tell the difference between loud and quiet sounds?

Loud sounds are high in volume and can often be heard from far away, while quiet sounds are low in volume and may only be heard at close range. You can use a decibel meter to measure the sound levels and determine if they are loud or quiet.

How is a quiet sound wave different from a loud sound wave?

A quiet sound wave has lower amplitude and intensity compared to a loud sound wave. This means the vibrations produced by the quiet sound wave are less forceful and have less energy, resulting in a softer sound.

What does 44 decibels sound like?

44 decibels is roughly equivalent to a quiet library or a quiet suburb at night. It is considered a quiet and peaceful sound level.

What sound does a floor tom make?

a short quiet sound

Why does the sun have a quiet period?

If you mean quiet as in the sense of sound, then it's always quiet do to the fact that it's in space which means that it is in a vacuum that sound waves can't travel through.

What does quiet as mouse mean?

It means to be extremely quiet, and make little sound.

When sound waves are out of phase?

It is quiet.

What is that sound you hear when it is 100 quiet?


Does the adjective quiet have a long or short vowel sound?

The I has a long I sound and the E has a short I sound.The U is used with the Q for a KW consonant sound (kwy-it).

When can sound first be perceived?

Sound can first be perceived in the womb around 18-20 weeks gestation. At around this time, the developing fetus's auditory system begins to respond to sound vibrations, allowing it to detect sounds from the outside world.