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What you hear is pitch, which is related to the frequency of sound waves. Higher frequencies produce higher pitch sounds, while lower frequencies produce lower pitch sounds. Our perception of pitch depends on how fast or slow these sound waves vibrate.

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Q: What you hear is pitch which is related to what?
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What we hear as pitch is related mostly to?

To the sound's frequency - how many vibrations per second it has.

The pitch you hear is related to the of a sound wave?

The pitch of a sound wave is directly related to its frequency. Higher frequency waves produce higher pitch sounds, while lower frequency waves produce lower pitch sounds. Pitch is essentially how high or low we perceive a sound to be.

The characteristic of a sound wave that you hear as pitch is the?

frequency of the wave. A higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch, while a lower frequency corresponds to a lower pitch. This is because frequency is directly related to the perceived pitch of the sound.

Can monkeys hear low pitch sounds and high pitch?

Yes they can hear both but can only speak high pitched!

What animal can hear the lowest pitch?

Jack Frost was said to hear low pitch animal noises from miles away so he is the "animal" that can hear the lowest pitch

Are loudness and pitch related?

No, pitch is related to wave frequency, loudness is related to wave amplitude.

How sound pitch and frequency are related?

Higher the frequency higher the pitch.

What The characteristics of a sound wave that we hear as pitch is the?


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What characteristic of a sound wave that we hear as a pitch?


What characteristic of a sound wave that we hear as pitch is?


What is a pitch not related to?

A pitch not related to music or sports can refer to the angle of a roof or a sales presentation.