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The average mass of a penny should be the same regardless of the method used if both methods are accurate and precise. The mass of the penny is an intrinsic property that should not change based on how it is calculated.

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Q: What would you expect the average mass of a penny to be the same whether it is calculated by method 1 or method 2?
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Is the moving average method averages out cyclical and irregular components?

The moving average method can help smooth out short-term fluctuations caused by irregular components in the data, but it may not completely eliminate cyclical patterns. It is more effective for reducing noise and highlighting trends in the data.

How do you use weighteist?

To use the weighted average method, you first assign weights to the values you are averaging based on their relative importance. Then, you multiply each value by its corresponding weight, sum the results, and divide by the total weight. This method is useful when some values are more significant than others in the calculation of the average.

how to calculate deflection on a structure?

Deflection on a structure can be calculated using structural analysis methods such as the moment-area method, virtual work method, or finite element analysis. These methods involve determining the forces acting on the structure and applying principles of equilibrium to calculate the deflections at various points. The specific method chosen depends on the complexity of the structure and the accuracy required for the analysis.

In a scientific method what step follows making a prediction?

Conducting an experiment

The moment of inertia of a material bar by the bifilar suspension method?

The moment of inertia of a material bar can be determined using the bifilar suspension method. In this method, the bar is suspended horizontally by two threads (bifilar) and allowed to oscillate as a compound pendulum. By measuring the period of oscillation and the dimensions of the bar, the moment of inertia can be calculated using the formula for a compound pendulum.

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