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The volume of the balloon would increase when submerged in hot water because the heat causes the air particles inside the balloon to move faster and spread out, increasing the overall volume of the balloon.

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Q: What would happen to the volume of a balloon if it were submerged in hot water?
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What happens to a balloon when it is submerged in cold water?

When a balloon is submerged in cold water, the air inside the balloon cools and contracts, leading to a decrease in volume. This causes the balloon to shrink in size.

What does a submerged object displace?

A submerged object displaces a volume of water that is equal to its own volume. This is known as Archimedes' principle.

A balloon is blown up and put into a fridge what will happen to the siz of the balloon?

If the balloon is filled with water, and the water freezes, the balloon will expand and may burst. This is because at temperatures below 4ºC, water begins to expand and as it turns to ice, it has a larger volume than when it was liquid.

How do you use submerging method to calculate volume?

The volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the object submerged into the water

How does the volume of completely submerged object compare with the volume of water displaced?

They are equal.

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Overflow can measure the volume of water displaced by an object when it is submerged. By measuring the overflow, one can determine the volume of the object, as it is equal to the volume of water it displaces.

A completely submerged object displaces it own?

volume of water, causing an equal volume of water to be pushed aside or displaced. This displacement of water creates a buoyant force that acts in the opposite direction to the force of gravity, helping to support the object in the water.

How does the amount of buoyant force exerted by water vary with the volume of submerged solid?

The buoyant force exerted by water on a submerged solid is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the solid. This means that the buoyant force increases with the volume of the solid submerged, as more water is displaced.

What will happen when you put water inside the balloon?

you have made a water balloon!

Is a body totally submerged in a liquid displaces a volume of water less than its volume?

No, a body totally submerged in a liquid displaces a volume of water equal to its own volume. This is known as Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force acting on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by that object.

How do you make an experiment to show that air occupies space?

To demonstrate that air occupies space, you can use a simple experiment by inflating a balloon and then placing it in a container filled with water. As the balloon is submerged into the water, you will notice that it displaces water, showing that the air inside the balloon is taking up space.

What measure best describes the amount of water in a water balloon?

I interpret this question to be asking how one might measure the volume of a water balloon without breaking the balloon or emptying it of the water in order to measure its volume. One method is to fill a container with water that will be large enough to contain the water balloon, and then submerging the water balloon in the container. The volume of the balloon will be the apparent volume change of the water in the container. Any measurement will introduce some error. Since water compresses hardly at all, one would expect that submerging the balloon would not significantly change the volume of the balloon. There could be some error if one had to push down on the balloon to make it fully submerge. There will also be some measurement error in determining the volume change.