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If there were no friction or obstacles, the ball would roll in a straight line indefinitely due to inertia. Without any forces acting upon it, the ball would maintain its velocity and direction.

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Q: What would happen to the ball if there were no friction or obstacles to run into?
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If friction did not exist and you rolled a ball on the floor what would the ball do?

If friction did not exist, the ball would continue rolling indefinitely without slowing down or stopping. Friction is the force that opposes motion on surfaces, so without it, the ball would not experience any resistance to slow it down.

What effect does friction have on a rolling ball?

Friction between the ball and the surface it is rolling on will slow down the ball's motion by converting some of its kinetic energy into heat. As a result, the ball will roll for a shorter distance and with a lower speed compared to a scenario with minimal friction.

What would happen if there were no friction between a rolling ball and the ground?

A tire has grip on it and so does a road so they can grip onto each other and the car can move. If there was no friction, then the cars wheels would spin, but the car woud not move as there is nothing for it to hold onto

What force would stop a ball from rolling?

Friction is the force that would stop a ball from rolling. As the ball interacts with the surface it is rolling on, friction counteracts the motion by creating resistance. The type of surface and the smoothness of the ball will influence the amount of friction and, therefore, the stopping force.

Eli rolled a ball down the cement sidewalk as hard as he could The ball rolled for less than a minute before it came to a stop What force acted to slow and finally stop the ball?

The primary force that acted to slow and stop the ball would be kinetic friction between the ball and the cement sidewalk. This friction force opposes the motion of the ball and eventually causes it to come to a stop.

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What would happen if there was no friction between a rolling ball and the ground?


If friction did not exist and you rolled a ball on the floor what would the ball do?

If friction did not exist, the ball would continue rolling indefinitely without slowing down or stopping. Friction is the force that opposes motion on surfaces, so without it, the ball would not experience any resistance to slow it down.

What does volleyball have to do with friction?

actually volleyball has alot to do with friction. when you are getting ready to hit the ball there is friction between the floor and your feet. then, when you hit the ball there is friction between your feet and the floor but also between your hands and the ball. now is the ball goes low and you hit it you would be using alot of friction because there would be friction between your body and the floor, the volley ball and your hands and maybe the ball and the floor. hope this answers your question!

What would happen if there were no friction between the rolling ball and the ground?

ball will just move without rolling, staying in it's initial position but moving indefinitely (that is if it is given an initial force).

If a ball were thrown in a vacuum what would happen to it?

It would fly and roll much farther than if it were thrown in earth's atmosphere due to reduced friction caused by the lack of air.

What effect does friction have on a rolling ball?

Friction between the ball and the surface it is rolling on will slow down the ball's motion by converting some of its kinetic energy into heat. As a result, the ball will roll for a shorter distance and with a lower speed compared to a scenario with minimal friction.

What would happen if there were no friction between a rolling ball and the ground?

A tire has grip on it and so does a road so they can grip onto each other and the car can move. If there was no friction, then the cars wheels would spin, but the car woud not move as there is nothing for it to hold onto

Would friction or air pressure affect how fast a ball rolls down a incline?

Yes it would. Speed will depend on Weight of the ball, Incline angle, Friction, and air pressure.

Does fluid friction affect soccer balls?

All friction affects a moving object, the source of the friction and the object moving is irrelevant. Water on a soccer ball would effect the performance of the ball.

What force would stop a ball from rolling?

Friction is the force that would stop a ball from rolling. As the ball interacts with the surface it is rolling on, friction counteracts the motion by creating resistance. The type of surface and the smoothness of the ball will influence the amount of friction and, therefore, the stopping force.

Eli rolled a ball down the cement sidewalk as hard as he could The ball rolled for less than a minute before it came to a stop What force acted to slow and finally stop the ball?

The primary force that acted to slow and stop the ball would be kinetic friction between the ball and the cement sidewalk. This friction force opposes the motion of the ball and eventually causes it to come to a stop.

What happens to a ball as it rolls across the floor?

As the ball rolls across the floor, kinetic energy is converted to heat and sound due to friction between the ball and the surface. The ball's speed and direction may change depending on the surface it is rolling on and any obstacles in its path.