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repel each other

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1mo ago

If the two pith balls were held together, they would acquire the same charge due to the contact between them. When released, they would then repel each other due to their like charges, causing the pith balls to move apart.

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Q: What would happen if the two pith balls were held together for a few moments then released?
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What would happen if you blew between two light weight balls?

Blowing between two lightweight balls would create a pressure difference causing them to move closer together due to the Bernoulli principle. The air flow tends to be faster between the balls, leading to lower pressure, causing the balls to move closer as the higher pressure air surrounding them pushes them together.

What would happen if you blew through a straw with two ping pong balls hanging?

The Bernoulli principle states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. So, when you blow air through the straw, the fast-moving air stream between the two ping pong balls will have lower pressure, causing them to move closer together.

What will happen if you put cotton balls in the microwave?

Putting cotton balls in the microwave can be dangerous as they can catch fire due to their ability to ignite quickly when exposed to heat. The cotton balls can also release harmful toxins when burned, posing a risk to your health and safety. It is not recommended to put cotton balls in the microwave.

How many ping-pong balls together weigh 1 pound when a ping-pong ball weighs 110 of an ounce?

There are 16 ounces in a pound, so 16 / 0.110 = 145.5 ping-pong balls would weigh 1 pound. Rounded down, this means that you would need 145 ping-pong balls to equal 1 pound in weight.

What would happen to the distances between the moving ball images if the unbalanced force were greater?

If the unbalanced force acting on the moving balls were greater, the distances between the moving ball images would likely increase as the balls would accelerate faster and cover more ground in the same amount of time. This would cause the balls to move further apart at a faster rate.