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what would happen if some one touched a Tesla coil while it was on??? it depends on lots of factors the person in good health is humid out are you sweting is the coil hooked up to a 120volt or 220 volt line is it on hi .....Tesla coils make Static Electricity (lighting) and a lower Amprage ....Amps are what kills people not volts volts burn ....but if the volts are high enough the electricity runs on the outside of your body through your skin and swet (well the salt in your swet) and is harmless but if you tauch the coil and a ground (ie) pipe,chimminey,wire,something electronic could be fatal read any instruction that came with your kit coil or your coil package ....if you made your ciol froma set of internet plans BE CAREFULL depending on how good you are at reading and fallowing the instrutions it could be a matter of life and death ....if you tauch the coil with a florecent tube it will light up and there is other things to play with such as a clear light build (any wattage) or a neon build just be carefull till you get a feel for it...and allways have some one there incase something does go safe

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9mo ago

If someone were to touch a Tesla Coil while it was on, they could experience an electric shock due to the high voltage output of the coil. The severity of the shock would depend on factors such as the power of the coil and the duration of contact. It is important to exercise caution and not touch Tesla Coils while they are in operation.

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What is the relation between weber and Tesla?

Weber is the unit used to measure the magnetic flux density, while Tesla is the unit of magnetic induction. They are related through the equation 1 Tesla is equal to 10,000 Gauss or 10,000 Weber per square meter.

Is Nikola Tesla the inventor of the light bulb?

No, Nikola Tesla did not invent the light bulb. The light bulb was primarily invented by Thomas Edison, while Tesla made significant contributions to electrical power systems and various other inventions.

What are the Differences between tesla and Edison?

Tesla and Edison had different approaches to electrical technology. Tesla focused on alternating current (AC) systems, which are more efficient for transmitting electricity over long distances. In contrast, Edison primarily worked with direct current (DC) systems. Additionally, Tesla was known for his inventive mind and theoretical work, while Edison was more of a practical inventor and focused on developing commercial products.

What year did Nikola Tesla invent the Tesla coil?

Oh, what a lovely question! Nikola Tesla invented the Tesla coil back in 1891. It's a remarkable invention that has fascinated and inspired many people over the years. Just like a happy little tree, inventions like the Tesla coil can bring so much joy and wonder to the world.

When did Nikola Tesla go insane?

Nikola Tesla struggled with mental health issues later in life, including possible symptoms of mental illness such as paranoia. He remained committed to his work and inventions but faced financial difficulties and personal challenges. Tesla died in 1943 while living alone in a hotel room in New York City.

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