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If light did not bend when traveling from water to air, it would not appear as if objects placed in water were shifted or distorted when viewed from above the surface. This bending phenomenon, known as refraction, is responsible for optical effects such as the apparent shallowing of a pool of water when viewed from the edge.

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Q: What would happen if light did not bend when it travelled from water and air?
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Can a light ray travelling in air be totally reflected when it strikes a smooth water surface if the incident angle is right?

Yes, a light ray traveling in air can be totally reflected when it strikes a smooth water surface at an angle greater than the critical angle. Total internal reflection occurs when the angle of incidence is such that the light ray is reflected back into the air rather than refracted into the water.

What would happen if light could not be refracted?

If light could not be refracted, it would not be able to change direction when it passes from one medium to another, such as from air to water. This would result in light traveling in a straight line only and could have significant impacts on how lenses, prisms, and other optical devices function. The phenomenon of dispersion, where light splits into different colors, also relies on refraction, so that would not occur.

What would happen if you put something less dense then water into water what would happen if you put something just as dense as water into water and what would happen if you put something more dense?

If you put something less dense than water into water, it will float. If you put something with the same density as water into water, it will stay suspended at that level. If you put something more dense than water into water, it will sink to the bottom.

Does light increase or decrease through pure water?

Light intensity typically decreases as it passes through pure water due to absorption and scattering of light by water molecules. The speed of light may also decrease slightly as it passes through water compared to air.

If the amplitude of the waves coming from a light bulb decreased what will you expect to happen?

If the amplitude of the waves coming from a light bulb decreases, you would expect the intensity of the light emitted to decrease as well. This would result in the light appearing dimmer to an observer.

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What are light-years?

The speed of light is 299,792,485 meters per second so if you travelled at this speed for a whole year that would be a light year.

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Evaporation would happen more efficiently with increased heat and light energy. The higher temperatures would increase the rate of evaporation of surface water into vapor, enhancing the process in the water cycle.

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it would die ! @

What is the difference in time and light years?

Time is a physical characteristic. A light year is a measure of distance, not of time. It is the distance that would be travelled in vacuum by light or other electromagnetic radiation. The distance travelled in outer space is nearly the same and is equal to approx 9.46 trillion kilometres.

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What would happen to humans if there was no light?

They would die.

What would happen to us if there was no light?

Without light, we would experience darkness, which could impact our ability to see, navigate, and perform daily tasks efficiently. Lack of light can also disrupt our circadian rhythms, affecting our sleep-wake cycles and overall well-being. Additionally, plants and photosynthetic organisms would struggle to survive without light for energy production.

How long would it take to get to Pluto from Mercury?

It would take about 9.5 years for a spacecraft to travel from Mercury to Pluto. The exact duration can vary depending on the trajectory, speed of the spacecraft, and planetary alignments.

What would happen if the sun was the only source of light?

It is the only source of light!

Can a light ray travelling in air be totally reflected when it strikes a smooth water surface if the incident angle is right?

Yes, a light ray traveling in air can be totally reflected when it strikes a smooth water surface at an angle greater than the critical angle. Total internal reflection occurs when the angle of incidence is such that the light ray is reflected back into the air rather than refracted into the water.

What would happen if the sun burnt out?

There would hardly be any light!

What would happen if if you turned on a light with no bulb?

Nothing would happen.