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In the absence of air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their mass, as demonstrated by Galileo's experiment on Earth. Therefore, on the moon, an object with more mass would not fall faster than an object with less mass.

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Q: What would fall faster on the moon a object with more mass or an object with less mass?
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Who would fall faster at a short distance small parachute or large?

At a short distance, a small parachute would fall faster than a large parachute. This is because a smaller parachute has less surface area to slow down the descent, causing it to fall more quickly.

How can a feather fall faster than a marble?

A feather can fall more slowly than a marble in air due to differences in their size, shape, and air resistance. The greater surface area of a feather compared to a marble causes more air resistance, which slows down the feather's fall. A denser object like a marble will fall faster than a less dense object like a feather because it overcomes air resistance more effectively.

What shape would an object be in order to travel faster through the air?

An object shaped like a streamlined teardrop or a streamlined cone would travel faster through the air due to reduced air resistance. These shapes help minimize drag and turbulence, allowing the object to move more efficiently and with less resistance.

Why do objects that are round fall faster than objects that are flat?

Objects that are round fall faster than objects that are flat because they experience less air resistance. The round shape of an object reduces the surface area in contact with the air, allowing it to move through the air more smoothly and with less drag. This results in round objects falling quicker than flat objects.

Is an object in free fall with less air resistance fall with a greater acceleration?

No, an object in free fall experiences the same acceleration due to gravity regardless of its shape or size. Air resistance does not affect the acceleration due to gravity acting on the object.

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At a short distance, a small parachute would fall faster than a large parachute. This is because a smaller parachute has less surface area to slow down the descent, causing it to fall more quickly.

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Since you asked, I don't think it would.I think a submerged object would rise slower in hot water than in cold. The densityof the hot water is less than the density of cold water. So whatever volume of fluidthe submerged object displaces has less weight, and the buoyant force on thesubmerged object is less than it would be in cold water.That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.Another answer:I agree. What makes you think an object will rise faster?

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smooth rocks create less friction on air.

How can a feather fall faster than a marble?

A feather can fall more slowly than a marble in air due to differences in their size, shape, and air resistance. The greater surface area of a feather compared to a marble causes more air resistance, which slows down the feather's fall. A denser object like a marble will fall faster than a less dense object like a feather because it overcomes air resistance more effectively.

What shape would an object be in order to travel faster through the air?

An object shaped like a streamlined teardrop or a streamlined cone would travel faster through the air due to reduced air resistance. These shapes help minimize drag and turbulence, allowing the object to move more efficiently and with less resistance.

Why do objects that are round fall faster than objects that are flat?

Objects that are round fall faster than objects that are flat because they experience less air resistance. The round shape of an object reduces the surface area in contact with the air, allowing it to move through the air more smoothly and with less drag. This results in round objects falling quicker than flat objects.

Does an object dropped from twice as high take twice the time to fall?

No, an object dropped from twice the height will not take twice the time to fall. This is because the time it takes for an object to fall depends on the initial velocity and acceleration due to gravity, not just the height from which it is dropped.

Is an object in free fall with less air resistance fall with a greater acceleration?

No, an object in free fall experiences the same acceleration due to gravity regardless of its shape or size. Air resistance does not affect the acceleration due to gravity acting on the object.

Why does less friction cause cars to go faster and longer?

Friction is force that opposes an objects motion. Therefore, the less friction the object encounters, the less opposition it will have to its direction of travel. The less opposition it has, the faster it may go. Theoretically, a moving object that encounters no friction will continue to travel at a constant rate for EVER.

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What would happen if you tried to find the density of an object with a density less than water?

If you try to find the density of an object with a density less than water, the object will float in water. This indicates that the object is less dense than water. To find the density of such an object, you would divide the mass of the object by its volume.