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1mo ago

The wavelength of a sound wave in water with the same frequency as the electromagnetic wave would be different since sound waves and electromagnetic waves propagate differently. In general, sound waves in water have shorter wavelengths compared to electromagnetic waves. The specific calculation would depend on the frequency provided in "part B."

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Q: What would be the wavelength of a sound wave in water that has the same frequency as the electromagnetic wave of part B?
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What is the wavelength of sound in water?

The wavelength of sound in water varies depending on the frequency of the sound. In general, sound travels faster in water than in air, so the wavelength of sound in water is shorter compared to air at the same frequency. Typical values range from a few millimeters to several meters.

Why are electromagnetic waves different from sound and water waves?

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to travel through, unlike sound and water waves which need a material medium. Electromagnetic waves also travel at the speed of light and can travel through a vacuum. Additionally, electromagnetic waves have different properties such as wavelength, frequency, and polarization compared to sound and water waves.

Find the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through the water?

The speed of sound in water is approximately 1482 m/s. To find the wavelength, you can use the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Thus, the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through water would be approximately 5.18 meters.

The speed of sound in water is 1430 meters per second Find the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through the water?

The formula to calculate wavelength is: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Plugging in the values: wavelength = 1430 m/s / 286 Hz = 5 meters. Therefore, the wavelength of the sound wave traveling through the water is 5 meters.

A sound wave that has a higher frequency has a wavelength that is shorter or longer?

A wave with a high frequency has a low wavelength. Wavelength lambda and frequency f are connected by the speed cof the medium. c can be air = 343 m/s at 20 degrees celsius or water at 0 dgrees = 1450 m/s. c can be light waves or electromagnetic waves = 299 792 458 m/s. The formulas are: c = lambda x f f = c / lambda lambda = c / f

Related questions

What is the wavelength of sound in water?

The wavelength of sound in water varies depending on the frequency of the sound. In general, sound travels faster in water than in air, so the wavelength of sound in water is shorter compared to air at the same frequency. Typical values range from a few millimeters to several meters.

Why are electromagnetic waves different from sound and water waves?

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to travel through, unlike sound and water waves which need a material medium. Electromagnetic waves also travel at the speed of light and can travel through a vacuum. Additionally, electromagnetic waves have different properties such as wavelength, frequency, and polarization compared to sound and water waves.

Find the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through the water?

The speed of sound in water is approximately 1482 m/s. To find the wavelength, you can use the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Thus, the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through water would be approximately 5.18 meters.

The speed of sound in water is 1430 ms Find the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through the water?

To find the wavelength, you can use the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Plugging in the values, wavelength = 1430 m/s / 286 Hz = 5 meters. Therefore, the wavelength of the sound traveling through the water is 5 meters.

The speed of sound in water is 1430 meters per second Find the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through the water?

The formula to calculate wavelength is: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Plugging in the values: wavelength = 1430 m/s / 286 Hz = 5 meters. Therefore, the wavelength of the sound wave traveling through the water is 5 meters.

What is the wavelength of sound waves with frequency 510Hz while traveling in fresh water?

The speed of sound in fresh water is approx 1,500 metres per second. So wavelength = speed/frequency = 2.94 metres.

The speed of sound in water is 1430 meters per second.Find the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through the water?

The formula to calculate wavelength is wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Plugging in the values, we get wavelength = 1430 m/s / 286 Hz = 5 meters. Therefore, the wavelength of the sound wave traveling through water is 5 meters.

The speed of sound in water is 1430 meters per second What is the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through the water?

The formula to calculate wavelength is: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Substituting the values given, we get: wavelength = 1430 m/s / 286 Hz = 5 meters. Therefore, the wavelength of the sound traveling through water with a frequency of 286 Hz is 5 meters.

A sound wave that has a higher frequency has a wavelength that is shorter or longer?

A wave with a high frequency has a low wavelength. Wavelength lambda and frequency f are connected by the speed cof the medium. c can be air = 343 m/s at 20 degrees celsius or water at 0 dgrees = 1450 m/s. c can be light waves or electromagnetic waves = 299 792 458 m/s. The formulas are: c = lambda x f f = c / lambda lambda = c / f

When a sound wave passes from air into water do you expect the frequency wavelength to change?

The speed of the wave increases, the frequency remains constant and the wavelength increases. The angle of the wave also changes.

What is the wave length of a typical 7-Wave whose frequency is 7 Hz The speed of sound in sea water is 1530 meter per second?

The wavelength can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Plug in the values: wavelength = 1530 m/s / 7 Hz = 218.57 meters. Therefore, the wavelength of a 7 Hz wave in sea water is approximately 218.57 meters.

T Waves are sound produced by underwater volcanoes. What is the wavelength of a T Wave with a frequency of 7 Hz and the speed of a sound in water is 1530 meter per second?

The wavelength of a wave is calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Substituting the values given: wavelength = 1530 m/s / 7 Hz ≈ 218.57 meters. Therefore, the wavelength of the T Wave is approximately 218.57 meters.