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It is not feasible for an atom to be held together by gravity because gravity is very weak at the atomic scale compared to the electromagnetic forces that bind atoms together. In theory, even if you had an atom small enough for gravity to be the dominant force, quantum effects would destabilize it.

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Q: What would be the theoretical minimum size or mass of an atom in order for it to be held together by gravity or is it not feasible at all?
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What is the minimum force to go against gravity?

The minimum force needed to go against gravity is equal to the force of gravity acting on the object, which is the object's weight. This force can be calculated using the formula F = m*g, where F is the force, m is the mass of the object, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2 on Earth).

What is the name for the speed a rocket must reach to escape the earth's gravity?

Escape velocity is the speed that a rocket must reach to break free from Earth's gravity and enter space. It is the minimum velocity required for an object to overcome the pull of Earth's gravity.

Weight of an object will be minimum when placed at?

The weight of an object will be minimum when placed at the center of the Earth. This is because at the center of the Earth, the gravitational forces from all directions cancel each other out, resulting in a net gravitational force of zero.

When you throw a ball upward its kinetic energy what?

When you throw a ball upward, its kinetic energy decreases as it moves against gravity due to the work done by the force of gravity. As the ball reaches its highest point, its kinetic energy is at its minimum while potential energy is at its maximum.

At what point in its trajectory does a batted baseball have its minimum speed?

A batted baseball has its minimum speed at the highest point of its trajectory. This is where the kinetic energy from the initial hit has been mostly converted into potential energy due to gravity pulling the ball back down.

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On the poles the gravity will be maximum. on the equatorial region the gravity will be minimum

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The answer depends on the feasible region and there is no information on which to determine that.

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If we knew the values of 'x' and 'y', and the boundaries of the feasible region, we could answer that question quickly and easily.

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It is usually the answer in linear programming. The objective of linear programming is to find the optimum solution (maximum or minimum) of an objective function under a number of linear constraints. The constraints should generate a feasible region: a region in which all the constraints are satisfied. The optimal feasible solution is a solution that lies in this region and also optimises the obective function.

What should the minimum velocity of water under gravity be?

0 m/s (no motion)

What is the minimum force to go against gravity?

The minimum force needed to go against gravity is equal to the force of gravity acting on the object, which is the object's weight. This force can be calculated using the formula F = m*g, where F is the force, m is the mass of the object, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2 on Earth).

When a feasible region is bounded on all sides where will the maximum and minimum values of the objective function occur?

Surely, you should check the value of the function at the boundaries of the region first. Rest depends on what the function is.