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The direction of acceleration would be vertically upward, since the net force is acting in that direction. The horizontal motion of the balloon being blown westward does not affect the acceleration in the vertical direction.

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Q: What would be the direction of the acceleration of a balloon if the balloon were being blown westward with the net force still acting vertically upward?
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What is the direction of the force acting on the balloon?

The force acting on the balloon is in the opposite direction to the buoyant force acting on it. The balloon rises in the direction of the net force.

When and how does friction affect the acceleration of a balloon racer?

Friction affects the acceleration of a balloon racer by creating a force that opposes the motion of the racer. Higher friction between the racer's wheels and the surface will result in a lower acceleration, as more energy is needed to overcome this resistance. Reducing friction by using smoother wheels or lubricants can improve the acceleration of the balloon racer.

When will your balloon car will have an unbalanced force on it?

The balloon car will have an unbalanced force on it when there is a difference in the forces acting on it, causing it to accelerate in a particular direction. This could happen if one side of the car experiences a greater force than the other, leading to an unbalanced force and acceleration.

If one of the balloons has a mass of 0.084 kg with what acceleration does it move toward or away from the other balloon?

To calculate the acceleration of the balloon moving towards or away from the other balloon, we would need more information, such as the force between the two balloons or the distance between them. The acceleration would be determined by the net force acting on the balloon, according to Newton's second law (F = ma).

A balloon is released from a tall building. The total mass of the balloon including the enclosed gas is 2 kg. Its volume is 5 m3. What is the magnitude of the initial acceleration of the balloon?

To find the initial acceleration of the balloon, we need to consider the forces acting on it. The initial acceleration can be calculated using Newton's second law: ΣF = ma. The buoyant force acting on the balloon is equal to the weight of the air displaced, given by ρ * g * V, where ρ is the air density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and V is the volume of the balloon. The net force on the balloon can then be determined, and divided by the total mass of the balloon to find the acceleration.

Related questions

Does a gas balloon accelerate?

When a balloon ascends, it undergoes acceleration. This is in spite of the forces like gravity that acts on it. The acceleration of the balloon can be calculated using Newton's second law of physics.

What is the direction of the force acting on the balloon?

The force acting on the balloon is in the opposite direction to the buoyant force acting on it. The balloon rises in the direction of the net force.

A student throws a water balloon vertically downward from the top of a building The balloon leaves the throwers hand with a speed of 6.00 ms Air resistance may be ignored so the water balloon is?


When and how does friction affect the acceleration of a balloon racer?

Friction affects the acceleration of a balloon racer by creating a force that opposes the motion of the racer. Higher friction between the racer's wheels and the surface will result in a lower acceleration, as more energy is needed to overcome this resistance. Reducing friction by using smoother wheels or lubricants can improve the acceleration of the balloon racer.

When will your balloon car will have an unbalanced force on it?

The balloon car will have an unbalanced force on it when there is a difference in the forces acting on it, causing it to accelerate in a particular direction. This could happen if one side of the car experiences a greater force than the other, leading to an unbalanced force and acceleration.

How do balloon rockets work?

Balloon rockets work by utilizing the principle of action and reaction. When air is released from the balloon, it creates a force that propels the balloon in the opposite direction. The escaping air creates thrust, pushing the balloon in the direction opposite to the airflow.

If one of the balloons has a mass of 0.084 kg with what acceleration does it move toward or away from the other balloon?

To calculate the acceleration of the balloon moving towards or away from the other balloon, we would need more information, such as the force between the two balloons or the distance between them. The acceleration would be determined by the net force acting on the balloon, according to Newton's second law (F = ma).

A balloon is released from a tall building. The total mass of the balloon including the enclosed gas is 2 kg. Its volume is 5 m3. What is the magnitude of the initial acceleration of the balloon?

To find the initial acceleration of the balloon, we need to consider the forces acting on it. The initial acceleration can be calculated using Newton's second law: ΣF = ma. The buoyant force acting on the balloon is equal to the weight of the air displaced, given by ρ * g * V, where ρ is the air density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and V is the volume of the balloon. The net force on the balloon can then be determined, and divided by the total mass of the balloon to find the acceleration.

If you pushed a volleyball and a balloon with the same force which would have the greater acceleration?

The balloon would have a greater acceleration because it has less mass compared to the volleyball. According to Newton's second law (F = ma), with the same force applied, an object with less mass will have a greater acceleration.

What makes balloon boats move?

Balloon boats move due to the escaping air from the balloon propelling the boat forward. When the air is released from the inflated balloon, it creates a force in the opposite direction, causing the boat to move in the direction of the escaping air.

Did the escaping air hit anything to make the balloon move?

Yes, the escaping air hits the inside walls of the balloon, creating thrust and pushing the balloon forward in the opposite direction of the escaping air. This imbalance in forces propels the balloon in a specific direction.

How does inertia cause a balloon to move?

When a balloon is released, the air inside moves backward due to inertia, propelling the balloon forward in the opposite direction. The inertia of the moving air creates a force that pushes against the balloon, causing it to move in the direction of least resistance.