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Continuous wave Doppler has a higher velocity range compared to pulsed Doppler, making it ideal for assessing high-velocity flow such as in stenotic lesions. Continuous wave Doppler also provides continuous data throughout the cardiac cycle without aliasing, offering a more comprehensive assessment of blood flow dynamics.

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Q: What would be an advantage of continuous wave Doppler over pulsed Doppler?
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What Would be the Advantage Of Continuous Wave Doppler Over pulsed Doppler?

Continuous wave Doppler allows for measurement of high velocities because it does not have a limit on the range of velocities it can detect compared to pulsed Doppler which has a limited range. Continuous wave Doppler is also able to detect continuous flow patterns whereas pulsed Doppler can only sample at specific points.

What According to the Doppler effect objects moving away from Earth would have a?

According to the Doppler effect, objects moving away from Earth would have a redshifted spectral line. This means that the wavelength of the light they emit would be stretched, causing it to shift towards the red end of the spectrum.

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to the motion of the source?

Not quite. The Doppler effect is actually the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave, depending on the relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer. This effect is responsible for phenomena like the change in pitch of a siren as it passes by.

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to motion of the source?

No, the Doppler effect refers to the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave as observed by an observer moving relative to the source of the wave. It is not the change in speed of the wave itself, but rather how the perceived frequency or wavelength is altered by the motion of the source or the observer.

Would there be a Doppler effect if the source of sound were stationary and the listener in motion?

Yes, there would still be a Doppler effect in this scenario. The observer's motion relative to the medium through which sound travels causes a change in the frequency of the perceived sound, even if the source is stationary.

Related questions

What Would be the Advantage Of Continuous Wave Doppler Over pulsed Doppler?

Continuous wave Doppler allows for measurement of high velocities because it does not have a limit on the range of velocities it can detect compared to pulsed Doppler which has a limited range. Continuous wave Doppler is also able to detect continuous flow patterns whereas pulsed Doppler can only sample at specific points.

What is the difference between continuous and pulsed wave laser?

Continuous I assume would mean a constant flow of light from the laser in the form of a wave train. Conversely, a pulse is only a single wave emitted by the laser.

Why would a passing race car display more Doppler effect than a passing police siren?

The amount of Doppler shift depends on speed - the faster vehicle will show more Doppler shift.

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limited liability because although its an advantage of incorporation, it can also be a disadvantage. It restricts the ability of a small corporation to borrow money.

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in speed of a wave due to motion of the source?

No, the doppler effect applies to changes in frequency.

How old is Christian Doppler?

Christian Doppler was born on November 29, 1803 and died on March 17, 1853. Christian Doppler would have been 49 years old at the time of death or 211 years old today.

Why do stars near the north celestial pole show the greates Doppler shifts due to earths revolution?

I don't think they do. I would expect them to have among the smallest Doppler effect.

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What According to the Doppler effect objects moving away from Earth would have a?

According to the Doppler effect, objects moving away from Earth would have a redshifted spectral line. This means that the wavelength of the light they emit would be stretched, causing it to shift towards the red end of the spectrum.

What conditions would you have to be met in order for an ambulance with its siren on not exhibit the Doppler effect when it passes you?

It would have to move very, very slowly.

Is date a discrete or continuous variable?

Date is a discrete variable whereas date/time would be continuous.

What conditions would have to be met in order for an ambulance with its siren on not to exhibit the Doppler effect when it passes you?

As far as I know, there will always be a Doppler effect when there is relative movement between the object that emits sound, and the observer (i.e. you, who are listening to the sound).