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it will shrink because the volume will decrease

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1mo ago

The volume of air inside the balloon will decrease as the temperature drops in the refrigerator, causing the balloon to slightly shrink. When the balloon is taken out of the refrigerator and warms up, the air inside will expand again and the balloon will return to its original size.

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Q: What will happen to an inflated balloon if it is put in a refrigerator?
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As the steam cools, the pressure will drop, and the balloon will get smaller. ------------------------- it pops i tried it loads

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the balloon's volume would decrease!!!

What would you exect to happen to a balloon filled with air was put into a refigerator?

Putting an air-filled balloon in a refrigerator will cause it to shrink.

What happens when you put an inflated balloon in a warm room?

When you put an inflated balloon in a warm room, the air molecules inside the balloon gain kinetic energy and move faster, causing them to exert more pressure on the balloon walls. This increased pressure may cause the balloon to expand slightly as it absorbs some of the heat energy from the room.

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The air inside the balloon will heat up and expand, causing the balloon to expand and potentially pop if the pressure becomes too high. Heating the balloon too much can also weaken the material, making it more prone to bursting.

What would you expect to happen to a balloon filled with air it was put into a refrigerator?

The air inside the balloon would cool down and contract, causing the balloon to shrink in size.

What if you put a inflated balloon in the refigerator?

It would get smaller as the air inside the ballon contracted.

What would you expect to happen to a a balloon filled with air if it was put into a refrigerator?

the balloon's volume would decrease!!!

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A balloon will contract when placed in the refrigerator because the cold temperature slows down the air particles inside the balloon, causing them to decrease in volume.

What happens when you fill a balloon with steam then put it in the refrigerator?

When you fill a balloon with steam and put it in the refrigerator, the steam will condense back into water droplets, causing the balloon to shrink as the gas inside loses volume. The cooling of the gas molecules in the balloon will also decrease their kinetic energy, leading to a decrease in pressure inside the balloon.

What will happen when you put water inside the balloon?

you have made a water balloon!