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If walkers do not adjust their compass readings for magnetic variation, they could end up navigating in the wrong direction. Magnetic variation means the difference between true north and magnetic north, so failing to adjust for this can lead to significant errors in their navigation. It's essential for accurate orienteering and avoiding getting lost.

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Q: What will happen if the walkers did not adjust their compass readings to account for magnetic variation?
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How does one measure magnetic variation?

Magnetic variation is measured using a magnetic compass that indicates the angular difference between magnetic north and true north at a specific location on the Earth's surface. The variation is typically expressed in degrees east or west. Land navigation charts and maps often provide information on the expected magnetic variation for a given area.

Why would the steel in a modern ship affect a compass?

The steel in a modern ship can interfere with a compass because it creates a magnetic field of its own, causing the compass to give inaccurate readings. This is known as deviation, and ship designers account for it by using devices like compensating magnets to correct for the interference.

What is necessary for a compass to work as a navigation tool?

A compass needs a magnetic needle that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field to indicate the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west). Additionally, a compass should be used away from magnetic interference sources to ensure accurate navigation readings. Familiarity with the compass and how to interpret its readings is also necessary for effective navigation.

Why magnetic compass becomes ineffective in submarines?

The metal structure of submarines interferes with the Earth's magnetic field, causing inaccuracies in the readings of a magnetic compass. Additionally, the movement and changing direction of a submarine can make it difficult to rely on a magnetic compass for navigation. Submarines typically use gyrocompasses or other sophisticated navigational equipment instead.

Which compass is pointing in the correct direction?

The compass that accurately aligns its pointer with the Earth's magnetic field is pointing in the correct direction. This ensures that it provides accurate readings for navigation.

Related questions

What was the disadvantage of using a compss to determine direction?

A compass may give inaccurate readings if it is near a magnetic field, metal objects, or electrical devices which can interfere with its accuracy. Additionally, compass readings can be affected by variation and deviation which may need to be compensated for to determine true direction.

A way to find the variation from true north?

To find the variation from true north, you can use a magnetic compass to determine the magnetic north and then calculate the angle between the magnetic north and the true north. This angle is known as the magnetic declination or variation. Many maps and GPS devices provide information about the current magnetic declination in a specific location.

What would happen if walkers did not adjust their compass readings to account for magnetic variation?

They would not arrive at the correct location. True north refers to the rotational pole. Compasses point roughly towards the magnetic pole. I say roughly because geographic and man made features can distort the magnetic waves. The rotational and magnetic pole are not at the same place. Most maps are drawn according to the rotational pole (true north).

What is local attraction on compass survey?

The local attraction are the error affecting device available at near by the compass while doing surveying. the local attraction is the effect of the magnetic materials on the compass and gets the incorrect bearing.

Different magnetic deviation and magnetic variation?

Magnetic deviation is the error caused by the internal magnetic fields of a ship or aircraft, while magnetic variation is the difference between magnetic north and true north at a specific location. Deviation can be corrected by installing compensating magnets on a vessel, while variation requires adjustment in navigation calculations.

What is compass error?

Compass error refers to the difference between the actual magnetic heading of a compass and the heading it indicates. It can be caused by various factors such as magnetic interference from the ship or aircraft it is installed on, deviation due to metal objects nearby, or variation caused by the difference between true north and magnetic north. Compass error needs to be regularly assessed and corrected to ensure accurate navigation.

How does one measure magnetic variation?

Magnetic variation is measured using a magnetic compass that indicates the angular difference between magnetic north and true north at a specific location on the Earth's surface. The variation is typically expressed in degrees east or west. Land navigation charts and maps often provide information on the expected magnetic variation for a given area.

Why would the steel in a modern ship affect a compass?

The steel in a modern ship can interfere with a compass because it creates a magnetic field of its own, causing the compass to give inaccurate readings. This is known as deviation, and ship designers account for it by using devices like compensating magnets to correct for the interference.

What is necessary for a compass to work as a navigation tool?

A compass needs a magnetic needle that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field to indicate the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west). Additionally, a compass should be used away from magnetic interference sources to ensure accurate navigation readings. Familiarity with the compass and how to interpret its readings is also necessary for effective navigation.

Which compass is pointing in the correct direction?

The compass that accurately aligns its pointer with the Earth's magnetic field is pointing in the correct direction. This ensures that it provides accurate readings for navigation.

How local attraction affect the use of prismatic compass survey?

Local attractions such as buildings or metal objects can affect the accuracy of a prismatic compass survey by causing magnetic interference. This interference can lead to errors in compass readings and, consequently, inaccurate survey measurements. To minimize these effects, surveyors should identify and account for local attractions during their surveys, employing techniques such as taking multiple readings and using a declination correction.

Why would magnetic declaration be different for different locations on the earth?

The magnetic declination varies because the Earth's magnetic field is not exactly aligned with its rotational axis. This misalignment means that the magnetic north pole and geographic north pole are not in the same position, causing differences in magnetic declination across the Earth's surface.