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When talking about magnetic objects, bringing a north pole and a south pole together, will cause them to attract each other. If you are talking about a physical object, such as the planet Earth, bringing the two poles together would result in the total collapse of the planet, possibly creating a flattened sphere, resembling a large Pizza, with the anchovies dripping from the periphery.

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1mo ago

If a north pole and a south pole are brought together, they will attract each other due to their opposite magnetic polarity. This attraction will cause them to join together to form a magnetic field loop.

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Q: What will a north pole and a south pole do if brought together?
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When two of the same poles are brought together they will repel each other. When opposite poles are brought together they attract. Your question was a little unclear, so I hope this helps.

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When two of the same poles are brought together they will repel each other. When opposite poles are brought together they attract. Your question was a little unclear, so I hope this helps.

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They will repel each other. Here is a explanation: "-" means they will attract "*" means they will repel South-North North-South North*North South*South Basically, they need to be opposite to attract each other :)

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They magnetically "stick" together.

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The lines that run north to south come together at the North and South Poles. The North Pole is located at 90 degrees north latitude, while the South Pole is located at 90 degrees south latitude. These points represent the earth's axis of rotation.

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Yes, and again at the south pole.

What is the effect make magnet interact with another magnet?

their magnetic poles atract the opposite charge in order to optain the other charge. therefore they pull together to conect with a negative(-) and positive(+) because one end is filled with negative but needs positive and vise versa so when you put a + and + they don't need each other so the pushaway,same goes with negative poles

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