The power source for a phonograph is electricity. Phonographs typically require plugging into an electrical outlet to power the motor that turns the record and produces sound through the speakers.
Sink power refers to a device that can absorb power, while source power refers to a device that can provide power. In electronics, sink or source power capabilities determine whether a device consumes power from a connected source or supplies power to it.
Power source.
A power drawn from a power source refers to the electrical energy consumed by a device or system to perform its intended function. This power is typically supplied by a source such as a battery, generator, or electrical grid, and is measured in watts.
No, a bulb is not a source of energy. A bulb simply converts electrical energy into light energy. The electrical energy is usually provided by a power source, such as a battery or a power outlet.
No, an electric line itself is not a power source. The power source is typically a generating station that produces electricity, which is then transmitted through the electric lines to a house or building to provide electricity for various appliances and devices.
a phonograph is a record player
the ponograph costed 12 cent wen it first came out.
power source
Sink power refers to a device that can absorb power, while source power refers to a device that can provide power. In electronics, sink or source power capabilities determine whether a device consumes power from a connected source or supplies power to it.
The source of Abbasid's power was a standing army.
The source of power in a Monarchy is a royal King or queen.
the function of a power source in a circuit is that it provides a steady source of static electricity
the function of a power source in a circuit is that it provides a steady source of static electricity
You need a conductor, power source and a resistor. You need a conductor, power source and a resistor. You need a conductor, power source and a resistor.
the Millennium items. His name (which he had forgotten) was a source of power too.
yes it can actually everthing can be used as a power source
Power source.