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We controlled the independent variable (the variable we manipulated) to observe its effect on the dependent variable (the variable we measured). We also controlled for any potential confounding variables that could influence the results. Additionally, we ensured consistency in experimental conditions to eliminate any extraneous variables that could impact the outcome.

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Q: What variables did you have to control in order to get a valid result?
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To be valid an experiment must not include?

To be valid, an experiment must not include bias, confounding variables, or unreliable measures in order to accurately assess the cause-and-effect relationship between variables.

Which will make his experiment more valid?

To make an experiment more valid, ensure that the sample size is representative of the population, use random assignment to assign participants to groups, and control for any confounding variables that could impact the results.

Improvement result is valid in IIT?

No. It is not valid.

How do you make a test more valid?

In a valid experiment all the variables are kept the same apart from those being investigated.

What must an experiment have in order to be valid?

to represent the random. -apex (;

Can a mathematical expression have no variables?

Yes, a mathematical expression can have no variables, but such an expression is usually not very useful. An example of a valid expression without variables is: 1+1=2

Why is control important in an experiment?

Control is important in an experiment to eliminate the influence of variables other than the one being tested. By having a control group that is not exposed to the experimental treatment, researchers can accurately gauge the true effect of the independent variable on the outcome. This allows for valid and reliable conclusions to be drawn from the experiment.

What is case sensitivity in c plus plus programming?

Case-sensitivity relates to the way in which multiple variables and function names can have the same name, differentiated by their casing. For example:int result = 1;int Result = 2;int RESULT = 3;Although these declarations are valid, and unambiguous as far as the compiler is concerned, it's best to avoid mixing your cases like this. Sooner or later you'll refer to result when you really meant Result, and the compiler won't be able to help you find the error.By convention, all-uppercase variables represent constants, making them easy to spot amongst actual variables.

What makes a valid experiment?

A valid experiment is characterized by a clear hypothesis, a control group for comparison, random assignment of participants, and the ability to replicate the results. It should also have ethical considerations and controls in place to minimize bias and confounding variables.

What is the function of a control in biological experimentation?

The function of a control in biological experimentation is to provide a baseline to compare the results of the experimental group against. Controls help ensure that any changes observed are due to the manipulation of the independent variable and not to other factors. This helps researchers draw valid conclusions from their experiments.

Is a HIV test done at 85 day after the intercourse and the result is negative is that result is valid?

Yes, it would be a valid test.

When the ratio of two variables is constant their relationship can be describe as?

Direct proportion, linear, first-order... all of these are valid answers, depending on the particular field you're talking about.