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When a firecracker explodes, chemical energy stored in the fireworks' gunpowder is rapidly converted into thermal (heat) and light energy. The gunpowder undergoes a rapid combustion reaction, releasing energy in the form of heat and light as the firecracker explodes.

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Q: What types of energy is being released when a firecraker explodes?
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What energy conversion occurs when a stick of dynamite explodes?

The energy conversion that occurs when a stick of dynamite explodes is chemical energy being converted into thermal, mechanical, and sound energy. The explosive material in the dynamite undergoes a rapid chemical reaction, releasing large amounts of heat, pressure, and sound waves in the process.

What form of energy that is not useful is being released from a flashlight when it is on?

In flashlight, light energy that is not being used effectively is being released in the form of heat. This is due to inefficiencies in the conversion of electrical energy to light energy, resulting in some of the energy being lost as heat.

Who can you tell demonstrates energy being released to heat?

A burning candle is a good example of energy being released as heat. As the candle burns, the chemical energy stored in the wax is converted into heat and light energy, with the majority of the energy being released as heat. This process demonstrates the conversion of one form of energy (chemical) into another (thermal).

What is energy being released?

Energy being released refers to the transformation of stored energy into a different form, such as heat, light, or sound. This release of energy occurs during various processes like chemical reactions, nuclear reactions, or mechanical work. The released energy can have a wide range of effects depending on the source and amount of energy involved.

What type of energy transformation is released when arrow is released from its bow?

The energy transformation that occurs when an arrow is released from its bow is potential energy being converted into kinetic energy. The potential energy stored in the stretched bowstring is transferred to the arrow as it is released, causing it to accelerate and move forward.

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What energy conversion occurs when a stick of dynamite explodes?

The energy conversion that occurs when a stick of dynamite explodes is chemical energy being converted into thermal, mechanical, and sound energy. The explosive material in the dynamite undergoes a rapid chemical reaction, releasing large amounts of heat, pressure, and sound waves in the process.

What form of energy that is not useful is being released from a flashlight when it is on?

In flashlight, light energy that is not being used effectively is being released in the form of heat. This is due to inefficiencies in the conversion of electrical energy to light energy, resulting in some of the energy being lost as heat.

What demonstrates energy being released as heat?

solar energy, kinetic energy and political energy

Why is energy released in a exothermic reaction?

Energy is released in an exothermic reaction because the overall energy of the products is lower than the energy of the reactants. This difference in energy levels is released as heat to the surroundings, making the reaction exothermic.

Who can you tell demonstrates energy being released to heat?

A burning candle is a good example of energy being released as heat. As the candle burns, the chemical energy stored in the wax is converted into heat and light energy, with the majority of the energy being released as heat. This process demonstrates the conversion of one form of energy (chemical) into another (thermal).

What is energy being released?

Energy being released refers to the transformation of stored energy into a different form, such as heat, light, or sound. This release of energy occurs during various processes like chemical reactions, nuclear reactions, or mechanical work. The released energy can have a wide range of effects depending on the source and amount of energy involved.

What type of energy transformation is released when arrow is released from its bow?

The energy transformation that occurs when an arrow is released from its bow is potential energy being converted into kinetic energy. The potential energy stored in the stretched bowstring is transferred to the arrow as it is released, causing it to accelerate and move forward.

What type of energy is being released from a burning candle?

The energy being released from a burning candle is primarily in the form of heat and light. The flame is the result of a chemical reaction between the wax and oxygen, producing energy in the form of heat and light.

Is energy being released photosynthesis or aerobic respiration?

aerobic resperation

When an objects temperature is decreasingis energy being absorbed or released by the object?

When an object's temperature is decreasing, energy is being released by the object. This is because the object is losing heat to its surroundings, leading to a decrease in temperature.

How is petroleum energy released?

Petroleum energy is released through combustion, where the fuel is burned in the presence of oxygen to release heat energy. This heat energy is then used to generate electricity or power engines in vehicles and machinery.

What is potential energy as far as being related to electricity?

Potential energy is stored energy, that can be released at any time. Also, potential energy is energy of position.