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Longitudinal waves pass through a slinky, where the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of the wave's propagation. This type of wave is characterized by compression and rarefaction of the medium.

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Q: What type of wave passes through a slinky?
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What type of wave does a slinky make?

A slinky creates a longitudinal wave when it is stretched and released, causing a series of compressions and rarefactions to travel through the coils of the slinky. This type of wave involves vibrations parallel to the direction of energy transfer.

What is the disturbance in a slinky wave?

A disturbance in a slinky wave refers to the physical displacement of the coils of the slinky from their equilibrium positions as the wave travels through it. This displacement creates the wave pattern that propagates through the slinky.

If you stretch out the slinky and push and and pull one and you can produce a what?

If you stretch out a slinky and push and pull one end, you can produce a longitudinal wave that travels through the slinky. This type of wave is characterized by oscillations occurring parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

What happens to the slinky wave when it reaches the second person?

When a slinky wave reaches the second person, the wave is transmitted through the slinky to the second person. The person may feel the wave energy passing through the slinky, causing it to vibrate and potentially move.

How can you make compression wave using a slinky?

To create a compression wave in a slinky, you can compress one end and release it quickly. The compression will travel through the slinky as a wave, with the coils getting closer together and then returning to their original spacing. This is similar to how energy is transferred through a medium in a compression wave.

Related questions

What type of wave does a slinky make?

A slinky creates a longitudinal wave when it is stretched and released, causing a series of compressions and rarefactions to travel through the coils of the slinky. This type of wave involves vibrations parallel to the direction of energy transfer.

What type of wave would a slinky represent?

A slinky represents a longitudinal wave, where the disturbance is parallel to the direction of energy transfer. When you compress or expand the coils of the slinky, the disturbance travels through the slinky as a longitudinal wave.

What is the disturbance in a slinky wave?

A disturbance in a slinky wave refers to the physical displacement of the coils of the slinky from their equilibrium positions as the wave travels through it. This displacement creates the wave pattern that propagates through the slinky.

If you stretch out the slinky and push and and pull one and you can produce a what?

If you stretch out a slinky and push and pull one end, you can produce a longitudinal wave that travels through the slinky. This type of wave is characterized by oscillations occurring parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

What happens to the slinky wave when it reaches the second person?

When a slinky wave reaches the second person, the wave is transmitted through the slinky to the second person. The person may feel the wave energy passing through the slinky, causing it to vibrate and potentially move.

How can you make compression wave using a slinky?

To create a compression wave in a slinky, you can compress one end and release it quickly. The compression will travel through the slinky as a wave, with the coils getting closer together and then returning to their original spacing. This is similar to how energy is transferred through a medium in a compression wave.

What parts of a transverse wave are like compression and rarefaction in a wave moving through a slinky?

In a transverse wave, the peak and trough are like compression and rarefaction in a wave moving through a slinky. The peak is where the particles are closest together, similar to compression in a slinky, while the trough is where the particles are farthest apart, akin to rarefaction in a slinky.

What type of wave passes through the spring in the frog toy Explain your answer.?

The type of wave that passes through the spring in the frog toy is a longitudinal wave. This is because the particles of the spring vibrate parallel to the direction of wave propagation, causing compressions and rarefactions to travel through the material.

How do particles move in a slinky?

When a slinky is compressed or stretched, particles within the slinky oscillate back and forth in a wave-like motion. The energy from compressing or stretching the slinky is transferred through these oscillating particles. As the energy travels through the slinky, it causes the particles to push against one another, creating the classic slinky wave effect.

When a wave passes through the ocean it does what?

When a wave passes through the ocean it may make a wave.

What type of wave does a slinky have?

A slinky creates transverse waves when it is stretched and released. These waves move in a side-to-side or up-and-down motion, with the coils of the slinky vibrating perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

How a slinky can represent a sound wave?

A slinky can represent a sound wave by demonstrating how the wave moves through compression and rarefaction of the coils. When you pluck one end of the slinky, a wave of compression travels through the coils, mimicking how sound waves travel through air molecules. The stretching and compressing of the slinky represents the vibrations of particles in a medium during the transmission of sound.