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A seismic wave, known as a surface wave, can cause the surface of the land to rise and fall during an earthquake. These waves travel along the Earth's outer layers and can produce the most visible and destructive effects on the ground.

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Q: What type of wave affects the surface of the land by causing it to rise and fall?
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What ype of wave affect the surface of the land by causing it to rise and fall like waves on an ocean?

Seismic waves, specifically surface waves such as Love and Rayleigh waves, are responsible for causing the surface of the land to rise and fall during an earthquake. These waves travel along the Earth's surface and can produce the shaking and rolling motion that is felt during seismic events.

What breaks on water but not on land?

The answer is "waves." Waves break on the surface of water, causing them to crash and break, but this does not occur on land.

Why does air travel faster over water than land?

Air travel faster over water than land due to the smooth surface of water causing less friction compared to the uneven surface of land. This reduced friction allows the air to flow more freely and at a higher speed.

Why do two objects of different mass land at the same time?

Two objects of different masses land at the same time in a vacuum because gravity affects all objects equally regardless of their mass. The acceleration due to gravity is the same for both objects, causing them to fall at the same rate and reach the ground simultaneously. This concept is famously demonstrated by Galileo's experiment at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

How high would you have to fall to die?

The height needed to be fatal from a fall can vary depending on factors such as surface landed on, body position, and individual differences. In general, falls from heights of around 40 feet or more can be fatal. However, survivability is possible at lower heights with luck and medical intervention.

Related questions

Which type of wave affects the surface of the land by causing it to rise and fall like waves on an ocean?

Seismic waves, specifically surface waves, can affect the surface of the land by causing it to rise and fall like waves on an ocean. These waves are typically generated during an earthquake and can produce the most visible effects on the Earth's surface.

What ype of wave affect the surface of the land by causing it to rise and fall like waves on an ocean?

Seismic waves, specifically surface waves such as Love and Rayleigh waves, are responsible for causing the surface of the land to rise and fall during an earthquake. These waves travel along the Earth's surface and can produce the shaking and rolling motion that is felt during seismic events.

What breaks on water but not on land?

The answer is "waves." Waves break on the surface of water, causing them to crash and break, but this does not occur on land.

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A cyclone is an atmospheric system characterized by a violent rotating windstorm. It affects landscapes by causing landslides, denuding the forests and creating new land forms.

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Since Jupiter is a gas giant, the surface is likely to be watery. You could fall through the surface and land on the inner core.

How do mountains affect humans negatively?

bits fall off and land on people causing negative feelings.

How does land and water affects climate?

water evaporates leaving moisture in the air causing humidity, how much varies with temperature. with land high altitudes cause cooler temperatures.

How water and land affects climate?

water evaporates leaving moisture in the air causing humidity, how much varies with temperature. with land high altitudes cause cooler temperatures.

How does construction affect earth's surface?

Building roads, and houses takes up animals land and native land causing deforestation and habbitat loss.

What wave type is formed when the waves reach the Earth's surface?

Surface waves are formed when waves reach the Earth's surface. Surface waves travel along the boundary between two different mediums, such as air and land or water and land, causing the ground to move in a rolling or swaying motion. These waves are responsible for the most damage during earthquakes.

Why does air travel faster over water than land?

Air travel faster over water than land due to the smooth surface of water causing less friction compared to the uneven surface of land. This reduced friction allows the air to flow more freely and at a higher speed.

How the moon affects the Earth's surface?

The moon's gravitational pull causes tides on Earth, leading to the rise and fall of ocean levels. This tidal force also creates tidal friction, which slows down Earth's rotation over time. Additionally, the presence of the moon helps stabilize Earth's axial tilt, which is essential for maintaining a stable climate.