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standing suface water.

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4mo ago

Behind a dam, the water is typically a reservoir or a man-made lake. This water is stored by the dam and is usually calm, still, and largely unaffected by natural forces such as tides or currents.

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Type of river dam used to raise the water level?

Any dam will raise the water level behind it.

The what energy of water in a dam is increased by raising the level of water behind the dam?

Potential Energy

What is water behind a dam?

standing surface waterfrom f.b

Water stored behind a dam is an example of what type of energy?

Water stored behind a dam is an example of potential energy (energy of position). As the water flows through the dam, some of the water's potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (energy of motion), which is typically further converted into electrical energy through the use of spinning magnets and coils of wire.

What do you call the lake that forms behind a dam?

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What structure built across a river to hold back water?

A dam.

The depth of water behind the Hoover Dam in Nevada is 220 m what is the water pressue at the base of this dam?

water pressure at the base of the dam is (specific weight of water * depth)2158.2KN/m2

What is impounded surface water?

Impounded surface water is water held behind a dam in the reservoir that the structure creates behind it.

Which is an advantage of building a dam?

Building a dam results in a body of water behind the dam and an area of dry land in front of the dam. The body of water behind the dam can be seeded with fish for sports or a food source (pisciculture). The water can be used as a reservoir for drinking water or as an entertainment area. The dry area in front of the dam can be used for living space and agriculture. The dam itself can be constructed, as many dams are, to use the stored energy in the water to generate electricity.

What is the purpose of a dam and how does it affect your life?

A dam is a large piece of concrete that has water behind it that holds water for drinking and for other purposes.

The water behind a dam?

The water behind a dam is stored as potential energy. When released, it flows through turbines to generate electricity in a process called hydroelectric power generation. The height of the water behind the dam determines the amount of potential energy available for generating power.

What energy is stored in water behind a dam?

The energy stored in water behind a dam is gravitational potential energy. This energy is harnessed and converted into electrical energy through the process of hydropower generation.