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A safe reactor don't emit a significant or dangerous quantity of any radiation.

But in the core of the reactor all the types of nuclear radiations are emitted.

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A nuclear reactor primarily emits electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma rays. These gamma rays are released during the nuclear fission process that occurs in the reactor core. Additionally, reactors may also release some neutron radiation through reactions with the reactor's components.

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Q: What type of radiation does a nuclear reactor emit?
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The radius of radiation from a nuclear reactor can vary depending on factors such as the reactor's power output, type of nuclear fuel used, and containment measures in place. Generally, an exclusion zone of several kilometers is established around a nuclear reactor to protect the public from potential radiation exposure.

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The primary type of radiation that occurs in a nuclear power station is ionizing radiation, which includes gamma rays, alpha particles, and beta particles. These forms of radiation are produced during nuclear processes such as fission reactions inside the reactor core.

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The Answers community requested more information for this question. Please edit your question to include the particular radioisotope you are asking about.

How much radiation does a nuclear reactor produce?

A nuclear reactor produces different types of radiation, including gamma rays and neutron radiation. The amount of radiation produced varies depending on the reactor's design, operation, and fuel type, but strict safety measures are in place to protect workers and the environment from excessive radiation exposure.

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One type of nuclear reactor is the pressurized water reactor (PWR). In a PWR, the heat generated by nuclear fission in the reactor core is transferred to water, which circulates through the core to create steam that drives turbines to produce electricity.

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