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The ball exhibits projectile motion, which consists of both horizontal and vertical components. Initially, the ball moves upward against gravity, and then it starts falling back down due to the force of gravity.

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Q: What type of motion is exhibited by a ball thrown up from the surface of a path?
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What type of motion is exhibited by a ball thrown up from the surface of earth?

The motion exhibited by a ball thrown up from the surface of the Earth is projectile motion. It has both vertical and horizontal components, with the vertical motion affected by gravity and the horizontal motion continuing at a constant velocity (neglecting air resistance).

What force is not acting upon a ball that is thrown in the air?

The force of friction is not acting upon a ball that is thrown in the air. Friction is a force that opposes motion, but when a ball is thrown in the air, there is no surface contact for friction to act upon.

What type of motion is exhibited by a ball thrown up uniform or non uniform motion why?

The motion exhibited by a ball thrown up is uniform acceleration because the acceleration due to gravity acts consistently on the ball in the vertical direction. This acceleration remains constant until the ball reaches the highest point of its trajectory and starts falling back down due to gravity.

Why does the ball spins?

The spin of a ball is caused by the forces acting on it, such as when it is kicked or thrown. Asymmetries in the ball's shape or the surface it interacts with can also contribute to its spin. This spinning motion affects the ball's trajectory and stability in flight.

Does a ball thrown in an arbitrary direction obey the equation of projectile motion?

Yes, a ball thrown in an arbitrary direction follows the equation of projectile motion as long as the only force acting on it is gravity. The motion can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components, with the horizontal motion being constant and the vertical motion following a parabolic trajectory.

Related questions

What type of motion is exhibited by a ball thrown up from the surface of earth?

The motion exhibited by a ball thrown up from the surface of the Earth is projectile motion. It has both vertical and horizontal components, with the vertical motion affected by gravity and the horizontal motion continuing at a constant velocity (neglecting air resistance).

What force is not acting upon a ball that is thrown in the air?

The force of friction is not acting upon a ball that is thrown in the air. Friction is a force that opposes motion, but when a ball is thrown in the air, there is no surface contact for friction to act upon.

What type of motion is exhibited by a ball thrown up uniform or non uniform motion why?

The motion exhibited by a ball thrown up is uniform acceleration because the acceleration due to gravity acts consistently on the ball in the vertical direction. This acceleration remains constant until the ball reaches the highest point of its trajectory and starts falling back down due to gravity.

Why does the ball spins?

The spin of a ball is caused by the forces acting on it, such as when it is kicked or thrown. Asymmetries in the ball's shape or the surface it interacts with can also contribute to its spin. This spinning motion affects the ball's trajectory and stability in flight.

What is an illistration of a ball being thrown be called?

projectile motion

Which type of motion uniform or non uniform is exhibited by a freely falling ball?

Non uniform

How a ball in cricket is declared as a jerk?

A jerk ball in cricket doesn't pertain to a ball, but to the way a ball is thrown. It is the motion of the ball.

Does a ball thrown in an arbitrary direction obey the equation of projectile motion?

Yes, a ball thrown in an arbitrary direction follows the equation of projectile motion as long as the only force acting on it is gravity. The motion can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components, with the horizontal motion being constant and the vertical motion following a parabolic trajectory.

Does a curve ball really curve?

Yes, the curve ball curves. This is because of the way the ball is thrown, which is a kind of a spin/jerky fast motion.

Describe contact force and noncontact force that affect the motion of a baseball a pitcher has thrown the ball?

The contact force will keep the ball moving but as the ball goes farther the ball slows down that's were the non contact force comes in it makes the ball not in contact

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What is end over end motion football?

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