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none what energy does a cup have at all. you just don't see a cup flying around do you?

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3mo ago

The cup sitting on a table has potential energy due to its position above the ground. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy if the cup is pushed off the table, causing it to fall and accelerate towards the ground.

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Q: What type of energy does a cup have sitting on a table have?
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Why does a cup sitting on a table have potential energy?

The cup sitting on a table has potential energy due to its position above the ground. When lifted, work is done on the cup against gravity, storing potential energy in the cup-table system. This potential energy can be released if the cup is allowed to fall.

What type of energy does a cup sitting on a table have?

The cup sitting on a table has gravitational potential energy due to its position in the Earth's gravitational field. If the cup is also filled with liquid that has thermal energy, then it would have some thermal energy as well.

What energy change take place as a cup falls off a table?

The energy change that takes place as a cup falls off a table is the cup's potential energy decreases while the cup's kinetic energy increases.

Where does the heat go from a cup of hot cocoa sitting on the table?

Hot air rises.

What is something in the classroom that has thermal energy?

A hot cup of coffee or tea that has been sitting on a desk would contain thermal energy.

Will water heat more in a black cup or a white cup when sitting in the sun?

Water will heat more in a black cup than in a white cup when sitting in the sun because black absorbs more light and heat energy, while white reflects it. This means that the black cup will absorb more heat from the sun's rays, warming up the water more quickly.

Which illustrates the first law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. An example of this is when a hot cup of coffee sitting on a table loses heat to the surrounding air, causing its temperature to decrease as the energy is transferred as heat.

How many tables spoon are in a cup?

A table spoon is smaller than a cup, therefore; it's not possible to fit a cup into a table spoon, but there are 16 table spoons in a cup. 1/16 cup

What type of energy is in a cup of hot water?

The energy in a cup of hot water is thermal energy, which is the internal energy of a system due to the motion of its particles. The heat energy transferred into the water increases the kinetic energy of its molecules, causing them to move faster and the overall temperature to rise.

What type of energy is a hot cup of tea?

The heat is thermal energy, but it also has several other forms of energy (including mass energy, potential energy, chemical energy, etc.)

How many tablespoons of table salt are in 1 cup of table salt?

1 cup = 16 tablespoons

What happens to a cup of hot chocolate as it sits on a table?

it cools off and grows bacteria. AND IT HEATS UP THE ROOM BECAUSE OF THERMAL ENERGY