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Infrared radiation is the type of electromagnetic waves absorbed by the Earth's surface and atmosphere, which is then transformed into heat. This process is a key component of the Earth's energy balance, helping to maintain suitable temperatures for life to thrive.

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Q: What type of electromagnetic waves are absorbed by the earth and changed to heat?
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What is a type of electromagnetic wave that warms earth?

Infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic wave that warms the Earth. These waves are emitted by the sun and absorbed by the Earth's surface, leading to an increase in temperature.

What happens to the energy provided by the sun as it passes through the atmosphere in the form of radiation?

As solar radiation passes through Earth's atmosphere, some of it is absorbed by gases, clouds, and particles in the atmosphere. The remainder reaches the Earth's surface, where it is absorbed and transformed into heat energy. This energy is essential for driving Earth's climate system and supporting life on the planet.

What happens when electromagnetic waves hit an object?

When electromagnetic waves hit an object, they can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected, or scattered. The interaction between the waves and the object will depend on the material properties of the object and the frequency of the electromagnetic waves.

The thermal of energy by electromagnetic waves through the vacuum of space?

Electromagnetic waves can transfer energy through vacuum by radiation. This process involves the emission of electromagnetic waves from a source, such as the sun, which then travel through space and are absorbed by an object, causing its temperature to rise. This is how heat and light from the sun reach Earth.

What is the transfer for energy as electromagnetic wave how energy is transmitted from the Sun to Earth?

Energy from the Sun is transferred to Earth through electromagnetic waves, primarily in the form of visible light and infrared radiation. These waves travel through the vacuum of space and reach Earth's atmosphere, where they are absorbed and converted into heat energy. This process is crucial for sustaining life on Earth through photosynthesis and regulating the planet's temperature.

Related questions

Which type of electromagnetic waves are absorbed by earth and change to heat?

ultraviolet rays

What is a type of electromagnetic wave that warms earth?

Infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic wave that warms the Earth. These waves are emitted by the sun and absorbed by the Earth's surface, leading to an increase in temperature.

Why electromagnetic wave not heat the medium?

Electromagnetic waves do add heat to the medium they travel through, but only when they are absorbed by matter. This is why sunlight heats the Earth. Lower frequency waves (like radio waves) pass through matter more easily without being absorbed, which is why they're used for communication.

What happens to the energy provided by the sun as it passes through the atmosphere in the form of radiation?

As solar radiation passes through Earth's atmosphere, some of it is absorbed by gases, clouds, and particles in the atmosphere. The remainder reaches the Earth's surface, where it is absorbed and transformed into heat energy. This energy is essential for driving Earth's climate system and supporting life on the planet.

The thermal of energy by electromagnetic waves through the vacuum of space?

Electromagnetic waves can transfer energy through vacuum by radiation. This process involves the emission of electromagnetic waves from a source, such as the sun, which then travel through space and are absorbed by an object, causing its temperature to rise. This is how heat and light from the sun reach Earth.

What happens when electromagnetic waves hit an object?

When electromagnetic waves hit an object, they can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected, or scattered. The interaction between the waves and the object will depend on the material properties of the object and the frequency of the electromagnetic waves.

What is the transfer for energy as electromagnetic wave how energy is transmitted from the Sun to Earth?

Energy from the Sun is transferred to Earth through electromagnetic waves, primarily in the form of visible light and infrared radiation. These waves travel through the vacuum of space and reach Earth's atmosphere, where they are absorbed and converted into heat energy. This process is crucial for sustaining life on Earth through photosynthesis and regulating the planet's temperature.

How is electromagnetic spectrum related to electrons?

No direct relation; electromagnetic waves are transmitted by photons. However, electromagnetic waves are often caused by the acceleration of electric charges, and those charges are usually electrons. Also, electromagnetic waves are emitted and absorbed when an electron (in an atom) changes to another energy level.

What is an electromagnetic wave spectrum that our atmosphere doesn't absorb?

Radio waves aren't absorbed by the atmosphere.

How does the sun' energy travel to the earth?

Electromagnetic radiation... i.e., light. Electromagnetic Waves A+

After the earth absorbs visible light from the sun the earth re-emits mainly what type of electromagnetic waves?

After the earth absorbs the visible light from the sun the earth re-emits the infrared emissions as the type of the electromagnetic waves.

Do radio waves continue into space indefinetly?

Yes, just as all other electromagnetic waves do. They continue until they're absorbed by something.