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These are ultraviolet rays, x-rays and gamma rays.

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Ultraviolet radiation is considered harmful to humans, as it can cause sunburns and increase the risk of skin cancer with prolonged exposure.

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Q: What type of electromagnetic wave is considered harmful to humans?
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What ultravio let light is harmful to humans?

It is a type of ionising electromagnetic radiation. Ionising radiation is radiation composed of particles that individually have sufficient energy (or can liberate sufficient energy) to remove an electron from an atom or molecule, i.e., in this situation humans. It damages the cells of your skin essentially by smashiing into it.

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Well, yes. They couldn't work if they didn't emit electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio waves.

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Visible light is the type of electromagnetic wave that humans have the most experience with. It is the range of wavelengths that our eyes can detect and is responsible for enabling us to see colors and the world around us.

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How does uv and radiation relate?

UV (Ultraviolet) radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation produced by the sun. It is known for causing sunburn and skin damage. UV radiation can be harmful to living organisms, including humans, if overexposure occurs.

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Electromagnetic radiation to which the organs of sight react?

Visible light is the electromagnetic radiation that the organs of sight, such as the eyes, react to. This type of radiation falls within a specific range on the electromagnetic spectrum and is responsible for enabling humans and other animals to see objects and colors.

Can parvo kill humans?

There are strains of Parvovirus that can be harmful to humans. However, each type of Parvovirus is specific to one species, so Canine Parvovirus cannot hurt a human.