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A positive charge will attract a neutral body. Positive charges and negative charges repel each other, so they would not be attracted to one another.

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3mo ago

A charged body with a net positive charge can attract a neutral body. When a positively charged object is brought near a neutral object, the positive charges in the neutral object will be attracted to the negative charges in the positively charged object, causing an attraction between the two objects.

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Q: What type of charge is capable of attracting a neutral body?
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When a positively charged body touches a neutral body, the neutral body will become positively charged due to the transfer of some positive charge from the positively charged body.

What is the overall charge of an IV solution?

The overall charge of an IV solution is typically neutral, as it contains a balanced amount of positive and negative ions. This is important to prevent any adverse effects on the body's electrolyte balance.

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If 10 raised to the power 10 electrons are removed from a neutral body the charge acquired by the body is?

The charge acquired by the body is (10^{10} \times 1.6 \times 10^{-19} ) Coulombs, where 1.6 x (10^{-19} C) is the charge of an electron. This simplifies to (1.6 \times 10^{-9} C).

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A positive charge body near a neutral bob will attract the negative charges in the bob, causing them to move towards the positive charge. This creates a temporary charge separation in the bob, with the side closer to the positive charge becoming positively charged, resulting in an overall attraction.

Are humans neutrally charged?

No, humans are not neutrally charged. They are made up of atoms which are electrically neutral, but within the body there are charged particles such as ions which create an overall slight negative charge.

What effect does a negative object have on a neutral object?

A negative object can induce a charge separation in a neutral object by attracting its positive charges toward it, leaving the neutral object with a net negative charge in the region closest to the negative object. This effect is known as polarization.

Is water a electrolite?

Yes, water is not an electrolyte. Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge and are found in fluids inside and outside of cells in the body. Water, on the other hand, is a neutral substance that does not carry an electric charge on its own.

What would be the overall charge in any IV solution. Why?

The overall charge in an IV solution is neutral because the electrolytes present in the solution are balanced in positive and negative charges. This balance helps to maintain the body's electrolyte levels and prevent any disruption to cellular function.

How a neutral body can be charged negatively by induction?

A neutral body can be charged negatively by induction when it is brought close to a negatively charged object. The negatively charged object repels electrons within the neutral body, causing the electrons to move towards the opposite side, leaving that side with a net positive charge. This results in the neutral body being negatively charged on one side.

What good are neutral fats?

Neutral fats help in keeping the body warm by insulating. They also act as a padding for the body. An example of neutral fat is Monoglyceride.