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A ball with less friction, such as a smooth, hard ball like a metal ball or a marble, will typically roll the farthest down a ramp compared to a ball with more friction, such as a rubber ball or a soft foam ball.

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Q: What type of ball will roll the farthest down the ramp?
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What force causes a ball to roll down a ramp?

The force of gravity causes the ball to roll down the ramp. The force of gravity pulls the ball downward towards the center of the Earth, causing it to accelerate as it rolls down the ramp.

How long it takes for a ball to roll down a ramp?

The time it takes for a ball to roll down a ramp will depend on the angle of the ramp, the friction between the ball and the ramp, and the initial velocity of the ball. However, in ideal conditions with no friction and starting from rest, the time can be calculated using physics equations for motion.

Which ball small medium large will roll down 10 ft the fastest from a ramp?

The small ball

A student is conducting an experiment to determine how far a ball will roll down a ramp based on the angle of incline. What are three possible controls for this experiment?

The material of the ramp, the volume of the ball, and the mass of the ball.

Does a the mass of a ball affect how fast it rolls down a ramp?

Yes, the mass of a ball does affect how fast it rolls down a ramp. In general, a heavier ball will roll faster down a ramp compared to a lighter ball, assuming everything else is held constant. This is due to the increased gravitational force acting on the heavier ball as it moves downhill.

Which ball will roll the farthest?

The ball with the least amount of friction will roll the farthest. This typically means a ball with a smooth and spherical surface. The surface on which the ball is rolling will also affect its distance.

How do you make a ball roll slowly down a ramp?

apply friction a rough surface cardboard for example, the rougher it is the slower the ball will roll but to much friction and it will stop altogether.

Since gravitiy was the acceleration that caused the ball to roll down the ramp Why wasnt the acceleration of the ball close to 9.8 ms2 2 reasons?

The ball rolling down the ramp might not have had time to reach 9.8 m/s^2. Also the coefficient of kinetic friction might have been high for the surface of the ramp.

How does the steepness of a ramp affect a ball?

The steepness of a ramp affects how quickly a ball will accelerate. A steeper ramp will result in a faster acceleration of the ball compared to a less steep ramp. The steeper the ramp, the more gravity will act on the ball, causing it to roll faster.

Which statement is an obervation if the ramp is steeper then the ball will roll faster or friction slowed the ball down or gravity caused the ball's motion?

"Friction slowed the ball down" is an observation because it describes a direct, visible effect on the ball's motion. The other statements are hypotheses or explanations for why the ball's speed changed.

How much does a medal ball weigh to go down a ramp?

The weight of a medal ball needed to go down a ramp would depend on factors such as the angle of the ramp, the friction present, and the desired speed of the ball. Generally, a heavier ball will require more force to overcome friction and gravity, allowing it to roll down the ramp faster. However, it is essential to find the right balance between weight and speed to ensure a smooth and controlled descent.

What are three possible controls when student is conducting a experiment to determine how far a ball will roll down a ramp based on the angle incline?

You can control a lot during this experiment. You can control the weight, size, and density of the ball and the angle of the ramp, to just name a few.