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The two forces that affect an object in circular motion are centripetal force, which acts towards the center of the circular path and keeps the object moving in a curved path, and centrifugal force, which is a fictitious force that appears to act outwards on the object but is actually a result of inertia trying to keep the object moving in a straight line.

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Q: What two forces that affect an object in circular motion?
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Can you able to see all of the forces that affect an object?

No, we cannot see all of the forces that affect an object because some forces, like gravity or magnetic forces, are invisible to the naked eye. However, we can observe the effects of these forces on the object's motion or behavior.

What are some forces that affect an object motion?

Some forces that affect an object's motion include gravity, friction, air resistance, and applied forces like pushes or pulls. These forces can either speed up, slow down, or change the direction of an object's motion.

How and why circular motion occur?

Circular motion occurs when an object moves in a circular path around a fixed point. This motion is typically caused by a centripetal force that continuously acts towards the center of the circle, keeping the object in its curved trajectory. Circular motion can arise from various factors such as gravitational attraction, tension in a string, or magnetic forces, depending on the situation.

Does the direction of circular motion changes continously?

Yes, the direction of circular motion can change continuously as an object moves around a circle. This change in direction is known as angular acceleration and is influenced by external forces acting on the object.

What three things affect an object's motion?

The three things that affect an object's motion are its initial velocity, the forces acting upon it, and the object's mass. These factors determine how an object moves and experiences acceleration or deceleration.

Related questions

How do balanced forces acting on an object affect its motion. How do unbalanced forces acting on an object affect its motion?

Balanced forces do not change its motion (no acceleration). Unbalanced forces changes the motion of the object (acceleration).

Do centripetal forces act by pushing an object towards or away from the center of circular motion?


Can you able to see all of the forces that affect an object?

No, we cannot see all of the forces that affect an object because some forces, like gravity or magnetic forces, are invisible to the naked eye. However, we can observe the effects of these forces on the object's motion or behavior.

How goes friction affect forces?

Force due to friction opposes an object in motion, and any forces that propel that object.

What are some forces that affect an object motion?

Some forces that affect an object's motion include gravity, friction, air resistance, and applied forces like pushes or pulls. These forces can either speed up, slow down, or change the direction of an object's motion.

What is circular motion?

Circular Motion -a motion along a circular path or the motion of an object in a circular Example -blades of a ceiling fan when the fan is switched on. or The motion of body along the circular path is called circular motion

How and why circular motion occur?

Circular motion occurs when an object moves in a circular path around a fixed point. This motion is typically caused by a centripetal force that continuously acts towards the center of the circle, keeping the object in its curved trajectory. Circular motion can arise from various factors such as gravitational attraction, tension in a string, or magnetic forces, depending on the situation.

Does the direction of circular motion changes continously?

Yes, the direction of circular motion can change continuously as an object moves around a circle. This change in direction is known as angular acceleration and is influenced by external forces acting on the object.

What three things affect an object's motion?

The three things that affect an object's motion are its initial velocity, the forces acting upon it, and the object's mass. These factors determine how an object moves and experiences acceleration or deceleration.

How do opposing forces affect the motion of an object if the forces are balanced?

If opposing forces are balanced, the object will remain at rest or continue to move at a constant velocity. Balanced forces create a state of equilibrium where the net force on the object is zero, leading to no change in its motion.

What is circular motion called?

Circular motion is often referred to as rotation when an object spins on its axis or revolution when an object moves around another object in a circular path.

Is uniform circular motion is accelerated motion?

if an object moves along a circular path, the only change in its velocity is due to the change in the direction of the motion. The motion of the object moving along the circular path is, which is a uniform circular motion, is therefore an accelerated motion:):):):/