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The two forces that cause the sun's magnetic field to become stronger and tangled are the differential rotation of the sun's layers, which creates a twisting effect on the magnetic field lines, and the convective motion of plasma within the sun, which amplifies and distorts the magnetic field. These processes can lead to the formation of sunspots, solar flares, and other solar activities.

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Q: What two forces cause the sun's magnetic field to become stronger and tangled?
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Are magnetic forces stronger when heated or cool down?

Magnetic fields are stronger when cooled down. This is because the atoms that make up the magnetic material aren't moving as fast as a heated magnet's atoms. This means that the magnetic domains are less likely to move out of place and mess up the magnetic field.

Is the magnetic force is more powerful then gravitational force?

In certain situations, yes, the magnetic force can be stronger than the gravitational force. For example, on a small scale such as with magnets or charged particles, magnetic forces can dominate over gravitational forces. However, on a large scale such as with planets or stars, gravitational force is typically much stronger than magnetic force.

Which one is big magnetic or electric force?

It depends on the specific situation. In general, magnetic forces can be stronger than electric forces at very small distances, but electric forces dominate over longer distances. The relative strength of the forces also depends on the magnitude of the charges or currents involved.

In an electromagnet the magnetic forces increase as increases?

It increases as the current increases.

How do you determine the strength of a magnet using lines of forces?

The closer the lines of force are together, the stronger the magnetic field it represents.

What are magnetic forces used for in everyday life?

magnetic forces are used in magnetic poles

When magnetic forces decrease this increases?

As magnetic forces decrease, the magnetic field strength weakens. This weakening can result in a decrease in attractive or repulsive forces between magnetic materials.

What happens when a magnets magnetic field lines are close together?

When a magnet's magnetic field lines are close together, it indicates a strong magnetic field. The magnetic field strength is higher, leading to more intense interactions with nearby objects and potentially stronger magnetic forces acting between the magnet and other magnetic materials.

Where are the magnetic forces the strongest?

magnetic poles

What do the magnetic patterns indicate about the forces of inteaction between magnets?

The direction of the lines tells us whether there is attraction or repulsion, and the spacing of the lines is a measure of the strength of the magnetic field. The more crowded the lines the stronger the field.

Is magnetic force the same as dispersion forces?

No, magnetic force and dispersion forces are not the same. Magnetic force arises from the interaction between magnetic fields or magnetic materials, while dispersion forces are weak intermolecular forces caused by temporary fluctuations in electron distribution within atoms or molecules.

What is the region where the magnetic forces act?

Magnetic feild