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As the air temperature outside the tire increases, the kinetic energy of air molecules also increases, leading to higher pressure inside the tire. Conversely, if the temperature decreases, the kinetic energy decreases, resulting in lower pressure inside the tire. This change in pressure is described by the ideal gas law, which states that pressure is directly proportional to temperature when volume and amount of gas are constant.

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Q: What terms of kinetic energy how does the pressure inside a car tire change as the air temperature outside the tire changes?
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Why does a balloon shrink when taken outside on a cold winter day?

The cold temperature causes the air inside the balloon to decrease in pressure and volume, leading to it shrinking. This is due to the gas particles inside the balloon losing kinetic energy and moving closer together in response to the lower temperature.

Which is stronger the pressure of the air outside or inside the can?

The pressure of the air inside the can is usually stronger than the pressure of the air outside, which is why the can gets crushed when the temperature decreases.

When the pressure is unequal the drum bulges on one side can cause of?

When there is unequal pressure inside and outside a drum, the weaker side may bulge outward due to the imbalance in force. This bulging can be caused by factors such as temperature changes, uneven loading, or structural weaknesses in the drum. If the pressure difference is significant, it can lead to distortion or failure of the drum.

According to the kinetic theory of matter what do particles of matter do when the temperature is absolute zero?

According to the kinetic theory of matter, when the temperature is at absolute zero, particles of matter would stop moving completely as they have no kinetic energy at that temperature. This means they would have minimal vibrations or movement, which is the lowest possible energy state for particles.

Why doesnt air pressure crush an empty soda can sitting on a table in your house?

Air pressure pushes equally on all sides of the can, so the pressure from the outside and inside of the can is balanced, preventing it from being crushed. Without any changes in pressure or force acting on the can, it remains in its original shape.

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When water falls from a height, it gains kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy is converted to an increase in temperature due to friction with the air and surrounding surfaces. Overall, the water will experience a slight increase in temperature as it falls.

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because of the temp. outside

What happens to the volume of a balloon that is taken outside on a cold?

As we know, Charles's Law states that for a fixed amount of gas at a constant pressure, the volume of the gas changes in the same way that the temperature of the gas changes. So, if a balloon is taken outside on a cold winter day, which means in a low temperature, the volume will also decrease due to the lower temperature.

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If a balloon is put outside in the air, it will be exposed to the elements such as wind, temperature changes, and potential contact with sharp objects. The balloon may deflate more quickly due to the lower pressure and temperature changes outside compared to indoors.

How does the temperature of the water change?

it changes the temp. by the temperature outside,like if its cold out the water will be cold and if it's hot outside than the water will be hot

Why does a balloon shrink when taken outside on a cold winter day?

The cold temperature causes the air inside the balloon to decrease in pressure and volume, leading to it shrinking. This is due to the gas particles inside the balloon losing kinetic energy and moving closer together in response to the lower temperature.

Why does a balloon get smaller in cold weather?

In cold weather, the air inside the balloon contracts and takes up less space, causing the balloon to shrink in size. This is because cold temperatures reduce the kinetic energy of the air molecules, making them move closer together.

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