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The estimated wind speed for each category on the Fujita (F) scale is listed below along with the more accurate wind speed range of its Enhanced Fujita (EF) scale equivalent*.

F0: 40-72 mph (EF0 65-85 mph)

F1: 73-112 mph (EF1 86-110 mph)

F2: 113-157 mph (EF2 111-135 mph)

F3: 158-206 mph (EF3 136-165 mph)

F4: 207-260 mph (EF4 166-200 mph)

F5: 261-318 mph (EF5 over 200 mph)

*the actual determining factor for a rating is damage, which is used to estimate wind speed. In recent years it was found that the wind speed estimates for the damage levels on the original F scale were wrong, ans so were update on the EF scale in 2007.

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4mo ago

An F1 tornado can reach speeds of 73-112 mph (117-180 km/h), F2 tornadoes can reach speeds of 113-157 mph (181-253 km/h), F3 tornadoes can reach speeds of 158-206 mph (254-332 km/h), F4 tornadoes can reach speeds of 207-260 mph (333-418 km/h), and F5 tornadoes can reach speeds over 261 mph (419 km/h).

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Q: What speed can a f1 f2 f3 f4 and f5 tornado go?
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What is the wind speed of an F3 tornado?

Originally the wind speed of an F3 tornado was estimated at 158-206 mph. However this estimated was later found to be too high for the damage inflicted and was lowered to 136-165 mph in an EF3 tornado.

What is the minimum speed of a F3 tornado?

One the original Fujita scale F3 winds were estimated to start at 158 mph (254 km/h). However, it was more recently discovered that this estimate was to high. It was adjusted to 135 mph for an EF3 tornado.

What theorem states that if three forces acting at a point -they are in equilibrium-then each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two?

The theorem you are referring to is the Law of Sines for forces. It states that in a system of forces in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces. Mathematically, this can be expressed as F1/sin(A) = F2/sin(B) = F3/sin(C), where F1, F2, and F3 are the magnitudes of the forces, and A, B, and C are the angles between the forces.

How fast are winds in F2 tornado?

Winds in an F2 tornado typically range from 113-157 mph (180-253 km/h), causing considerable damage to trees and buildings. However, these tornadoes are considered to be in the lower end of the "significant" category, with stronger tornadoes such as F3, F4, and F5 capable of producing even more destructive winds.

Can a f3 tornado knock over a brick house?

Yes, an EF3 tornado can potentially cause significant damage to a brick house, including structural damage such as roof removal and exterior wall collapse. The severity of the damage would depend on various factors such as construction quality and tornado intensity.

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