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Hydropower is considered an indirect form of renewable energy because it relies on the water cycle to generate electricity. Solar and wind power are examples of direct renewable energy sources that rely on their respective natural sources for power generation.

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Q: What renable energy is indirect?
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Wind energy is an indirect form of what energy?

Wind energy is an indirect form of solar energy, as it is generated by the sun's uneven heating of the earth's surface, resulting in changes in air temperature and pressure that create wind movements.

what is indirect energy and direct energy?

Indirect energy refers to energy that is used to produce goods and services, such as energy used in manufacturing or transportation. Direct energy, on the other hand, refers to energy that is used directly by consumers and businesses for activities like heating, cooling, and lighting.

What is an indirect measurement of an object's thermal energy?

An indirect measurement of an object's thermal energy can be obtained by measuring its temperature using a thermometer. The temperature of an object is directly related to its thermal energy, as higher temperatures indicate higher thermal energy content.

What are examples of indirect energy use?

Examples of indirect energy use include the energy embedded in products and services we consume, such as the energy used in manufacturing, transporting, and disposing of goods. Other examples include embodied energy in buildings and infrastructure and the energy used in water treatment and waste management processes.

Is tidal energy is a indirect form of solar energy?

Yes, tidal energy is considered an indirect form of solar energy because it is caused by the gravitational interaction between the sun, moon, and Earth. The gravitational forces of the sun and moon create tides in the Earth's oceans, which can be harnessed to generate electricity.

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Is water renable?

yes it is love ya

Wind energy is an indirect of what energy?

Solar Energy

Is coal a renable recorce?

No it is a non renewable resource

What renewable energy sources are actually indirect forms of solar energy?

All renewable energy sources are indirect forms of solar energy except geothermal (heat from the earth's centre).Indirect Forms of Solar EnergySolar powerHydro powerTidal powerWave powerWind powerBiofuelBiogas and biodieselBiomass (vegetation).

Wind energy is an indirect form of what energy?

Wind energy is an indirect form of solar energy, as it is generated by the sun's uneven heating of the earth's surface, resulting in changes in air temperature and pressure that create wind movements.

what is indirect energy and direct energy?

Indirect energy refers to energy that is used to produce goods and services, such as energy used in manufacturing or transportation. Direct energy, on the other hand, refers to energy that is used directly by consumers and businesses for activities like heating, cooling, and lighting.

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What what of the five renewable energy sources are actually indirect forms of solar energy?


What do reneable and non-renable mean?

None of these words are even real words, there-for they do not have meanings.

What is an indirect measurement of an object's thermal energy?

An indirect measurement of an object's thermal energy can be obtained by measuring its temperature using a thermometer. The temperature of an object is directly related to its thermal energy, as higher temperatures indicate higher thermal energy content.

Is fuel in the form of wood an indirect source of solar energy?

No. Solar energy comes from the sun.

What are examples of indirect energy use?

Examples of indirect energy use include the energy embedded in products and services we consume, such as the energy used in manufacturing, transporting, and disposing of goods. Other examples include embodied energy in buildings and infrastructure and the energy used in water treatment and waste management processes.