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That's a trick question. Spin is a characteristic of some elementary particles. It is like asking, what provides the energy for the electron to have mass or charge. If an electron did not have a spin of + or - 1/2 it would not be an electron.

Furthermore, the electron doesn't really spin. It acts like a magnet and is deflected in an nonhomogeneuos magnetic field as tiny magnets would be. That means that some of the electrons go up while the others go down.

People interpret this behavior as spin because a rotating charge will produce a magnetic field with the north pole on the top or on the bottom depending upon which direction the charge is spinning but most people do not believe that the electron (or other particles) are actually spinning. Because of this people talk of "spin" as a property of subatomic particles.

Particles, such as electrons, can gain or lose energy and and as a result can change their spin.

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The energy for elementary particles to spin comes from their intrinsic properties, such as mass and charge. The spin of elementary particles is an inherent characteristic of their quantum nature and is not dependent on an external energy source.

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How do you write gamma ray as an elementary particle?

A gamma ray is not an elementary particle, it is a high-energy photon. Photons are elementary particles that have zero rest mass and carry electromagnetic radiation.

What is a quantum number in the classification of elementary particles?

Quantum numbers are used to categorize and describe the properties of elementary particles in quantum mechanics. These numbers include values like electric charge, spin, lepton number, and baryon number, which help to distinguish different particles and predict their behavior. Each quantum number corresponds to a specific observable quantity that characterizes the particle's unique properties within a given system.

What is Spin motion of electrons?

Spin motion of electrons refers to the intrinsic angular momentum possessed by electrons, which gives rise to a magnetic moment. Spin is a quantum property that can take on two values: up or down. It is an essential property in quantum mechanics and is used to explain many phenomena in the realm of nanoparticles and quantum computing.

What is an electron composed of?

An electron is a fundamental particle that is considered to be an elementary particle, meaning it is not made up of smaller components. It is a negatively charged subatomic particle that orbits the nucleus of an atom.

What is the spin theory?

The spin theory is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the intrinsic angular momentum of elementary particles. It is a quantized property that distinguishes particles from one another and plays a crucial role in determining their behavior and interactions. Spin can be visualized as the particle's internal rotation, even though it doesn't correspond to a literal spinning motion in physical space.

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A gamma ray is not an elementary particle, it is a high-energy photon. Photons are elementary particles that have zero rest mass and carry electromagnetic radiation.

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Quantum numbers are used to categorize and describe the properties of elementary particles in quantum mechanics. These numbers include values like electric charge, spin, lepton number, and baryon number, which help to distinguish different particles and predict their behavior. Each quantum number corresponds to a specific observable quantity that characterizes the particle's unique properties within a given system.

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What is Spin motion of electrons?

Spin motion of electrons refers to the intrinsic angular momentum possessed by electrons, which gives rise to a magnetic moment. Spin is a quantum property that can take on two values: up or down. It is an essential property in quantum mechanics and is used to explain many phenomena in the realm of nanoparticles and quantum computing.

What is an electron composed of?

An electron is a fundamental particle that is considered to be an elementary particle, meaning it is not made up of smaller components. It is a negatively charged subatomic particle that orbits the nucleus of an atom.

What is the spin theory?

The spin theory is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the intrinsic angular momentum of elementary particles. It is a quantized property that distinguishes particles from one another and plays a crucial role in determining their behavior and interactions. Spin can be visualized as the particle's internal rotation, even though it doesn't correspond to a literal spinning motion in physical space.

What is spin statistic theorm?

This theorem of quantum physics says something about integer-spin particles and half-integer spin particles. For more information see the article I've associated with this answer.

Are photons made of string?

No, photons are not made of strings. Photons are fundamental particles of light with no known substructure. String theory posits that fundamental particles are composed of tiny strings of energy, but photons are not considered composite particles in this model.

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At the most basic level the universe is made of matter, energy and empty space. The empty space is colloquially known as "Vacuum", but no true vacuum exists naturally. Vacuum is the absence of matter or energy. Matter is made up of atoms, which are themselves made up of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. Protons are positively charged particles that are present in the center of atoms, usually accompanied by Neutrons (the exception to this is Hydrogen, which has no Neutrons). Neutrons are particles without a net positive or negative charge. They reside in the center of most atoms and are slightly more massive then Protons. Electrons are the least massive of the three and they orbit around the center of the atom. All three of these particles, however, are made of elementary particles called Quarks. Quarks are a member of a group of particles known as elementary or fundamental particles. This group includes quarks, leptons, and bosons. These fundamental particles are further organized into bosons or fermions based on their spin. All things in the universe are made of bosons or fermions. Beyond that we also have energy. Energy is described as the ability of one thing to influence another. Energy can be categorized in two ways. Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy. Kinetic energy is energy that is being expressed upon the environment by the motion of the object, whether that be on the atomic or macroscopic scales. Potential Energy is Energy held in a system that has not been released, such as the energy of a coiled spring. If you want to know what the universe is made of on an even more basic scale I would advise you to read up on M-Theory which states that the universe is made of a series of interacting membranes.

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What does magnetic mean in science terms?

A magnetic field is a field of force produced (1) by moving electric charges, (2) by electric fields that vary in time, and (3) by the intrinsic magnetic field of elementary particles associated with the spin of the particle.