The prefix kilo represents a value of 1,000 or 10^3. It is commonly used to indicate a multiple of a base unit by 1,000, such as kilogram or kilometer.
The smallest quantity in an equation is likely to be the coefficient of the variable with the highest degree. This is because the variable with the highest degree will have the most significant impact on the value of the overall expression.
The absolute uncertainty of a screw gauge measurement is typically the smallest division on the scale divided by 2. This value represents the smallest increment in measurement that can be confidently distinguished using the device.
Yocto- (y) is the smallest SI-prefix, representing 10−24.1ym = 0,000000000000000000000001 metersthou (th) = 0.0000254 metersfluid ounce (fl oz) = 28.4130625 millilitersgrain (gr) = 0.06479891 gramsHave a crack at SI in Wikipedia.orgOther small units are a Chronon which is about 7x10(-24) seconds;or Planck Time which is about 6x10(-44) seconds.
The prefix of "friction" is "fric-".
As far as I know, the smallest metric prefix is "yocto-," which is 10-24.
As far as I know, the smallest metric prefix is "yocto-," which is 10-24.
The prefix for "value" is "re-".
The prefix value is centi.
what is the value of the smallest division on a ammeter
what is the value of the smallest division on a ammeter
There is no yoco- prefix. But there is a yocto- prefix which is equal to 10-24 so that is the smallest.Of the prefixes that are correctly written in the question zeptogram is the smallest (10-21 gram)
Zero is the smallest probability.
The smallest value is 0.
There is no largest nor smallest. All you need is another prefix to increase [or decrease] the previous largest [smallest] by a factor of 1000.
The range is the distance from the smallest value to the largest value. This is equivalent to the largest value MINUS the smallest value. Therefore you subtract.