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Devices like speakers and headphones use sound energy to produce vibrations, which can then be converted into electrical energy to power LED lights. This can be seen in products like light-up headphones or speakers with LED light features.

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Q: What objects use sound energy to produce light energy?
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How light energy like sound energy?

light energy is like sound energy because they both can locate any item in front of them and they both can reflect or absorbed by certain objects or t can pass through objects.

Where can light and sound energy be found?

Light energy can be found in sources such as the sun, light bulbs, and candles. Sound energy is produced by vibrating objects such as musical instruments, human voices, and machinery.

Are bells a light source?

No, bells are not a light source. Bells are objects that produce sound when struck or shaken. They do not emit light.

What form of energy does a television produce?

A television produces light and sound energy. The electrical energy from the power source is converted into these forms of energy to display images and produce sound for viewers to see and hear.

Can light energy make sound?

No, light energy cannot directly make sound. Sound is produced by the vibration of particles in a medium, while light travels as electromagnetic waves. However, light energy can be converted into other forms of energy that could produce sound indirectly.

What kind of energy produce light and sound in fire cracker?

The energy that produces light and sound in a firecracker comes from the rapid combustion of chemicals inside the firecracker. During this combustion process, the release of energy generates heat, light, and sound, creating the explosive effects seen and heard when a firecracker is ignited.

What device changes electrical energy into light and sound energy?

A TeleVision because to produce an image, it needs to have some light shining from the back of the screen, therefore emitting light and it has speakers on it to produce sound all from electricity.

What produces light and sound energy?

Light energy is produced by sources such as the Sun, light bulbs, and fire. Sound energy is produced by vibrations in objects or substances, such as vocal cords, musical instruments, and speakers.

What are some questions that you can ask for sound energy?

How does sound energy travel through different mediums? Can sound energy be harnessed to produce electricity? What are some examples of everyday objects that convert sound energy into mechanical energy? How does the frequency of sound waves affect their energy?

A television is designed to convert electrical energy into which forms of energy?

A television is designed to convert electrical energy into light energy, which allows the screen to display images, and sound energy, which allows the speakers to produce sound.

What kind of energy does electrical appliances produce?

thermal light and sound

What objects produce sound energy?

Objects that produce sound energy when they vibrate, such as musical instruments like drums, guitars, and pianos, as well as speakers, bells, and tuning forks. Other sources of sound energy include electronic devices like mobile phones and alarms, as well as natural sources like thunder and animals.