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Objects that may be sterilized using high temperature include surgical instruments, glassware, metal tools, and plastic equipment. High temperature sterilization methods such as autoclaving or dry heat sterilization are commonly used in medical, pharmaceutical, and laboratory settings to ensure that these items are free of microorganisms.

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Q: What objects might be sterilised using high temperature?
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You can measure an object's temperature using a thermometer. Make sure the thermometer is in direct contact with the object to get an accurate reading. Other methods include using infrared thermometers or thermal imaging cameras.

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Temperature in outer space is typically measured using instruments aboard satellites and spacecraft, such as infrared sensors or thermal detectors. These instruments can detect the amount of heat radiating from objects in space and convert that into temperature measurements. Additionally, some telescopes can also measure temperature by observing the radiation emitted by objects in space at different wavelengths.

What object might be sterilized by using high temperature?

dentists tool and other surgical tools

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Temperature on babies is obtained form the armpit if you are using a digital thermometer. Other thermometers are available, but might not be effective with a baby.

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What is the charteristic of temperature?

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