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Sound can travel through most solid objects, as well as liquids. The vibrations transfer from molecule to molecule, but can be refracted or reflected by gaps or distortions within the matter.

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Sound can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, sound travels the fastest due to the close arrangement of particles. In liquids, sound travels at a medium speed, while in gases, it travels slower as the particles are more spread out.

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Q: What objects does a sound travel through?
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Can you block sound or can it travel through objects?

Sound can travel through objects, but the degree to which it is blocked depends on the material and thickness of the object. Sound waves can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted through different materials to varying extents. Materials like concrete and thick walls are better at blocking sound compared to lightweight materials like curtains or wood.

How does sound go through objects?

Sound can travel through solids, liquids, and gases by causing the particles of the medium to vibrate. When a sound wave encounters a material, the particles in the material vibrate and transfer the sound energy through the medium. The denser the material, the faster sound will travel through it.

Where can sound not exist?

Sound cannot exist in a vacuum, as it requires a medium (such as air, water, or solid objects) to travel through in the form of waves. Therefore, in space where there is no air or medium for sound to travel through, sound cannot exist.

Does everything have sound?

No, not everything produces sound. Sound is created by vibrations that travel through a medium, such as air, so objects that are not vibrating do not produce sound. Some objects are designed to absorb vibrations and dampen sound.

What do all objects do when they make a sound?

When objects make a sound, it is usually due to vibrations that create sound waves. These sound waves travel through the air and reach our ears, where they are processed by the brain to interpret the sound.

Related questions

What are the objects called that allow sound to travel through them?

Sound is a pressure wave. Objects that "allow" sound to travel through them could be called wave guides.

Witch objects does sound travel through?

Sound can travel through most substances but the loudness depends on the substance.

Sound waves travel only in the air?

No. They travel through water and solid objects also.

Why does sound travel through some objects and some don't?

peter griffin

Can you block sound or can it travel through objects?

Sound can travel through objects, but the degree to which it is blocked depends on the material and thickness of the object. Sound waves can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted through different materials to varying extents. Materials like concrete and thick walls are better at blocking sound compared to lightweight materials like curtains or wood.

How do objects make sound?

An object makes sound by releasing sound waves that travel through the air, which we call vibrations

How do sound waves travel through water compared with wood?

Sounds travel better through denser objects and since water is denser than wood, sound travels through it better.

Can sound travel through oxygen?

Yes, sound can travel through oxygen. Sound waves are able to travel through any medium that has molecules, including gases like oxygen. However, sound travels faster through solids and liquids compared to gases.

How does sound go through objects?

Sound can travel through solids, liquids, and gases by causing the particles of the medium to vibrate. When a sound wave encounters a material, the particles in the material vibrate and transfer the sound energy through the medium. The denser the material, the faster sound will travel through it.

Where can sound not exist?

Sound cannot exist in a vacuum, as it requires a medium (such as air, water, or solid objects) to travel through in the form of waves. Therefore, in space where there is no air or medium for sound to travel through, sound cannot exist.

Does everything have sound?

No, not everything produces sound. Sound is created by vibrations that travel through a medium, such as air, so objects that are not vibrating do not produce sound. Some objects are designed to absorb vibrations and dampen sound.

What do all objects do when they make a sound?

When objects make a sound, it is usually due to vibrations that create sound waves. These sound waves travel through the air and reach our ears, where they are processed by the brain to interpret the sound.