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Wavelength, frequency, and pitch come to mind.

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When a sound gets higher in pitch, the frequency of the sound wave increases. This means that the vibrations of the sound wave occur at a faster rate. The higher frequency results in a perception of higher pitch by our ears.

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Q: What must change when a sound gets higher?
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What must change in order for the pitch of a sound change?

The frequency of the sound wave must change in order to change the pitch of a sound. A higher frequency results in a higher pitch, while a lower frequency results in a lower pitch.

If Two sound waves traveling through the air have different frequencies they must also have different?

wavelengths. Sound waves with higher frequencies have shorter wavelengths, while sound waves with lower frequencies have longer wavelengths. This relationship is governed by the equation: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency.

How fast must an airplane fly in order to produce a sonic boom?

An airplane must fly at speeds equal to or greater than the speed of sound, around 768 mph at sea level, to produce a sonic boom. This creates a shockwave caused by the sudden change in air pressure as the aircraft breaks the sound barrier.

Which of the following must be true about a photon with more energy A) it must have a lower frequency B) it must have a higher frequency C) it must have a greater Planck's constant D) it must have a s?

B) It must have a higher frequency. Photon energy is directly proportional to its frequency, as given by E=hf where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency. Increasing energy requires increasing frequency.

Why must the volume of a stereo in a room with wall-to-wall carpet be turned higher than in a room with a wooden floor?

In a room with wall-to-wall carpet, the carpet fibers can absorb sound waves, resulting in dampened sound. This requires the volume to be higher to compensate for the absorption of sound. In contrast, in a room with a wooden floor, sound waves can reflect off the hard surface, producing a louder effect with less volume needed.

Related questions

What must change in order for the pitch of a sound change?

The frequency of the sound wave must change in order to change the pitch of a sound. A higher frequency results in a higher pitch, while a lower frequency results in a lower pitch.

When is the speed of sound near the ground less than the speed of sound higher up?

If the speed of sound near the ground is less than the speed of sound higher then in this special case the temperature at the ground must be less than the temperature higher up. Usually the temperature at the ground is warmer than the temperature high up in the sky. The speed of sound changes mainly with the temperature.

A sound must have what to travel?

There must be particles present for sound waves to travel. Sound travels by vibration, when one particle hits another. This is why there is no sound in a vacuum as no particles are present. Therefore, sound travels better within a space with a higher concentration of particles. For example, sound travels faster through a solid as opposed to a liquid or gas.

How do you define a race car?

The top criteria for a racecar is that it must have a top speed of 200 mph or higher, great brakes, and the most important thing is how easy it gets wrecked. Also, it must have a price of $1,000,000 or higher.

Car headlights must be used from?

You can put your dim lights on as soon as it gets a little bit dark, when it gets darker you can change to full beam.

As a ship sails a steady course the Big Dipper gets higher in the sky In what direction must the ship be sailing?


If a ship sails a steady course the Big Dipper gets higher in the sky while the Southern Cross gets lower In which direction must the ship be sailing?

Due north

Why does the action change the notes of the trumpet?

Because it change the length of tubing the must travel to. the less it travels, the higher the pitch. visa versa

How do you silently disarm a Simon security system?

A qualified installer must change the sound options in installer programming, beeps and voice must be turned off.

If Two sound waves traveling through the air have different frequencies they must also have different?

wavelengths. Sound waves with higher frequencies have shorter wavelengths, while sound waves with lower frequencies have longer wavelengths. This relationship is governed by the equation: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency.

If a ship sails a steady course the Big Dipper gets higher in the sky In what direction must the ship be sailing?

Northerly, until it is overhead.

How does the wavelength of a G-note sound wave compare to the wavelength of an A-note sound wave?

Assuming that both notes are in the range of C4 (middle C) and C5, G has a frequency of 392Hz, and A has a frequency of 440Hz. Assuming that both sound waves are travelling through air, through which sound travels at 340ms-1, then the wavelengths for G and A can be found to be 0.87m and 0.77m, respectively.An easier way to assess a change in wavelength would be to look at the equation v=fλ, where v is the speed of sound, f is the frequency of the note, and λ is the wavelength of the note. A higher pitch note means a higher frequency, and since the speed of sound is constant, then if the pitch is increased the wavelength must compensate by decreasing.Simply put, higher pitch means smaller wavelength.