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Glaciers can move so slowly that they take more than a year to travel just a few centimeters. The immense weight of the ice and the intricate dynamics within glaciers cause their movement to be incredibly slow.

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Q: What moves so slowly that they can take more than a year to travel a few centimeters?
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Why does sound travel more slowly?

Sound travels more slowly in denser materials because the particles in these materials are closer together, causing sound waves to propagate more slowly compared to materials with less dense particles. This results in a longer response time for sound to travel through denser mediums.

Which is a material in which thermal energy moves slowly?

Air is a material in which thermal energy moves slowly because it is a poor conductor of heat. This means that it does not transfer heat efficiently and thus thermal energy moves more slowly through air compared to materials like metals which are good conductors and allow thermal energy to move quickly.

Sound waves travel most slowly through what?

Sound waves travel most slowly through gases because the particles in gases are more spread out compared to liquids and solids, which hinders the transfer of energy from one particle to another.

What does sound travel slowly through?

Sound travels slower through materials that are denser and have a higher elasticity. For example, sound travels more slowly through water, glass, and solids compared to air because the particles are more tightly packed together, causing sound waves to move more slowly through them.

Why does sound travel slower through a medium when it is at low temperature?

Sound travels slower through a medium at low temperatures because the particles in the medium have lower energy and move more slowly, causing sound waves to propagate more slowly. This reduction in particle movement decreases the speed at which sound can travel through the medium.

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What moves so slowly they can take more than a year to travel a few centimeters?


What move slowly that they can take more than a year to travel a few centimeters?

a snail :D lol

What move so slowly that they can take more than a year to travel a few centimeters?

a snail :D lol

What move so slowly that they can take more than a year to travel a few centimeters.?

a snail :D lol

Which revision of the sentence uses parallel structure?

Question- the faster you travel, the more slowly time passes, which means that you moved quickly when you are walking but more slowly when you are flying in an airplane. Answer- The faster you travel, the more slowly time passes, which means that time moves**** quickly when you are walking but more slowly when you are flying in an airplane. :)

Why does sound travel more slowly?

Sound travels more slowly in denser materials because the particles in these materials are closer together, causing sound waves to propagate more slowly compared to materials with less dense particles. This results in a longer response time for sound to travel through denser mediums.

Which is a material in which thermal energy moves slowly?

Air is a material in which thermal energy moves slowly because it is a poor conductor of heat. This means that it does not transfer heat efficiently and thus thermal energy moves more slowly through air compared to materials like metals which are good conductors and allow thermal energy to move quickly.

What is the science definition of creep?

creep is when soil moves a tree slowly down a slope.

Which wave travels more slowly through gasses than solids?

Longitudinal (also know as compression) waves travel more slowly through gasses than solids.

What is best to sail the world on for many years single or multihull?

Multi-hull provides a more stable platform, but moves more slowly through the water.

Sound waves travel most slowly through what?

Sound waves travel most slowly through gases because the particles in gases are more spread out compared to liquids and solids, which hinders the transfer of energy from one particle to another.

When does Jupiter travel most slowly around the sun?

Jupiter is not the slowest, but it is a lot slower than Earth. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. The time taken for a planet to orbit the Sun increases with distance from the Sun. There are two reasons : 1) The size of its orbit gets bigger. 2) The planet moves more slowly. This follows from the mathematics of Newton's gravitation theory.