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The minimum initial velocity required for a projectile to reach a target 90 km away depends on the angle at which the projectile is launched, as well as the effects of air resistance and other factors. A common approach is to use projectile motion equations to determine the initial velocity needed for the projectile to cover the horizontal distance of 90 km in the given conditions.

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Q: What minimum initial velocity must a projectile have to reach a target 90km away?
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What is the horizontal range of a projectile initial velocity is doubled?

If the initial velocity of a projectile is doubled, the horizontal range will also double. This is because the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile is directly proportional to the square of its initial velocity.

How do you calculate a setback force of a projectile?

The setback force of a projectile is typically calculated by determining the change in momentum of the projectile upon impact with the target. This can be calculated using the formula: Setback force = change in momentum / time of impact. The setback force experienced by the projectile depends on factors such as the mass of the projectile, its velocity, and the material properties of both the projectile and the target.

What must be the minimum velocity of a missile if it is to strike a target 100 meters away?

The minimum velocity of the missile would depend on the time it takes for the missile to reach the target. If the missile travels 100 meters in 1 second, then the minimum velocity would be 100 m/s.

What is projectile trajectory?

Projectile trajectory refers to the path that a projectile follows from the moment it is launched until it reaches its target or hits the ground. It is influenced by factors such as initial velocity, launch angle, air resistance, and gravity. The shape of the trajectory is typically parabolic in nature.

What should be the initial velocity of a rocket if it to hit a target 1000 km away?

To calculate the initial velocity of a rocket to hit a target 1000 km away, you need to consider the rocket's launch angle, thrust, and drag forces. The initial velocity would depend on these factors to ensure the rocket reaches the target without falling short or overshooting it. It's best to use mathematical equations and simulation tools to determine the exact velocity needed.

Related questions

What is the horizontal range of a projectile initial velocity is doubled?

If the initial velocity of a projectile is doubled, the horizontal range will also double. This is because the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile is directly proportional to the square of its initial velocity.

How do you calculate a setback force of a projectile?

The setback force of a projectile is typically calculated by determining the change in momentum of the projectile upon impact with the target. This can be calculated using the formula: Setback force = change in momentum / time of impact. The setback force experienced by the projectile depends on factors such as the mass of the projectile, its velocity, and the material properties of both the projectile and the target.

What must be the minimum velocity of a missile if it is to strike a target 100 meters away?

The minimum velocity of the missile would depend on the time it takes for the missile to reach the target. If the missile travels 100 meters in 1 second, then the minimum velocity would be 100 m/s.

What is projectile trajectory?

Projectile trajectory refers to the path that a projectile follows from the moment it is launched until it reaches its target or hits the ground. It is influenced by factors such as initial velocity, launch angle, air resistance, and gravity. The shape of the trajectory is typically parabolic in nature.

What should be the initial velocity of a rocket if it to hit a target 1000 km away?

To calculate the initial velocity of a rocket to hit a target 1000 km away, you need to consider the rocket's launch angle, thrust, and drag forces. The initial velocity would depend on these factors to ensure the rocket reaches the target without falling short or overshooting it. It's best to use mathematical equations and simulation tools to determine the exact velocity needed.

How do you find the firing angle for a projectile given the targets x and y coordinates and initial velocity I would like to do it without calculus if possible.?

They height y of the projectile is given by the function y = vosin(0)t + 1/2gt2, where vo is the initial velocity of the projectile, 0 is the firing angle, t is the time, and g is the acceleration of gravity (-9.81m/s2). The range x of the projectile is given by the function x = vocos(0)t. Rearranging this last equation for time yeilds t = x/(vocos(0)); this will give us the length of time the projectile takes to reach the target. Substituting this into the first equation yeilds: y = vosin(0)[x/(vocos(0))] + 1/2g[x/(vocos(0))]2 this can be simplified further but it is not necessary to do so; plugging it the x and y coordinates, the initial velocity, and the acceleration of gravity, you should be able to solve for 0, which is now the only unknown.

What are five factors that can influence the angle of release of a projectile?

Launch velocity: A higher launch velocity can result in a larger angle of release for a projectile. Launch height: The height from which the projectile is launched can impact the angle of release. Air resistance: Air resistance can affect the trajectory of a projectile and therefore the angle of release. Gravity: The force of gravity influences the path of a projectile, affecting the angle of release. Wind conditions: Wind speed and direction can alter the angle of release needed for a projectile to reach its target.

Application of Projectile Motion in missiles?

Projectile motion is utilized in missiles to calculate the trajectory of the missile after launch, taking into account the initial velocity and angle of launch. By understanding projectile motion, engineers can predict where the missile will land and adjust its course if needed. This knowledge helps in accurately targeting the missile towards specific objectives.

What is the projectile part of the cartridge that hits the target called?

The projectile is called a bullet.

A bullet is fired with a speed of mason order to hit a target 100m away if g is 10 ms-2 .the gun should be aimed?

To hit the target 100m away, the gun should be aimed at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal. This angle provides the maximum range for a given initial speed in the absence of air resistance, as the projectile follows a parabolic path. At 45 degrees, the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity are equal, maximizing the range achieved.

A projectile is thrown into the air an angle of 35and lands on a target that is at the same level the projectile started it will also land on the target if it is throw at an angle of?


What is a projecttile?

A projectile is an item thrown forcibly at a target.