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Bows are typically made from various materials such as wood (e.g., maple, ash, or yew), fiberglass, carbon fiber, or a combination of these materials. Each material offers different characteristics that affect the bow's performance and durability.

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Q: What material is used to make bows?
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What is a long bow made out of?

There are a 2 materials used, some longbows and recurve bows can be made of wood, recurve and compound bows can be made of cast or machined aluminium. The limbs are a composite material of wood, fibreglass and carbon.

How were bows used?

Bows are used to hunt but in ancient times it was used for war.

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Horse hair is used to make violin bows.

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Ribbon bows at Michaels vary according to ribbon thickness and quantity required as well as the type of material used. The average price is around $12 for 25 stick on plain bows.

Did the cahuilla Indians use weapons?

they used bows, arrows, traps, clubs and sticks.

What tree do they make bows out of?

During the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453), the British used to make longbows out of the Yew tree.

Did the pueblo use bows and arrows?

yes pueblo Indians used bows and arrows

What weapon is usedin the wintu tribe?

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Velour material is material used to make tracksuits etc.