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The transfer of light energy is made possible by electromagnetic waves that do not require a medium to travel through, such as in the form of photons. When light strikes an object, its energy can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted depending on the properties of the object. This transfer of energy allows light to interact with and affect its surroundings.

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Q: What makes the transfer of light energy possible?
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Which type of energy makes a light bulb feel warm?

The type of energy that makes a light bulb feel warm is heat energy. This energy is generated as a byproduct of the light bulb's operation and is emitted in the form of infrared radiation, which can be felt as warmth.

What is the transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move?

The transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move is called kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion. The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on its mass and velocity.

What kind of energy makes the light bulb light up?

Electricity is the energy source that powers a light bulb and makes it light up. When electricity flows through the filament in a light bulb, it generates heat and light, resulting in illumination.

How can nuclear energy transfer to another type of energy?

Nuclear energy can be converted to electricity through a process called nuclear fission, where the energy released from splitting atoms is used to heat water and produce steam, which then drives turbines connected to generators. This electrical energy can then be transformed into other forms of energy such as mechanical or chemical energy through additional conversion methods.

Can steel transfer energy?

Yes, steel can transfer energy. Steel is a good conductor of both heat and electricity, allowing it to efficiently transfer energy in various forms. This property makes steel a commonly used material in applications where energy transfer is required, such as in power transmission lines or heat exchangers.

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Why are light consider as a form of energy?

It is possible to convert other types of energy into light, and light into other types of energy; therefore it makes sense to consider that light, too, has an energy content.

What compound in plants makes photosynthesis possible?

Chlorophyll is the compound in plants that makes photosynthesis possible. It has a unique structure that allows it to lose electrons easily when it gets excited by energy. This is where the conversion from light energy to chemical energy begins.

Which type of energy makes a light bulb feel warm?

The type of energy that makes a light bulb feel warm is heat energy. This energy is generated as a byproduct of the light bulb's operation and is emitted in the form of infrared radiation, which can be felt as warmth.

What kind of energy makes the light bulb light up?

Electricity is the energy source that powers a light bulb and makes it light up. When electricity flows through the filament in a light bulb, it generates heat and light, resulting in illumination.

What is the transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move?

The transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move is called kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion. The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on its mass and velocity.

What key compound makes photosynthesis in green plants possible?

Chlorophyll is the key compound that enables photosynthesis in green plants. It is a pigment that absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy, which is used to produce glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water.

Can steel transfer energy?

Yes, steel can transfer energy. Steel is a good conductor of both heat and electricity, allowing it to efficiently transfer energy in various forms. This property makes steel a commonly used material in applications where energy transfer is required, such as in power transmission lines or heat exchangers.

How can nuclear energy transfer to another type of energy?

Nuclear energy can be converted to electricity through a process called nuclear fission, where the energy released from splitting atoms is used to heat water and produce steam, which then drives turbines connected to generators. This electrical energy can then be transformed into other forms of energy such as mechanical or chemical energy through additional conversion methods.

What lights up?

Light is energy, so energy makes up light. Example- the sun burns it's gases full of potential energy to create heat energy and light energy.

What is the exact word for something that makes vision possible?

The exact word for something that makes vision possible is "light". Without light, there would be nothing to see.

The particle of energy that makes up light?


Is the transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move?

The transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move is called work. Work is a quantity of energy given in the unit of Joules. The mathematical description of work is the product of the force and the distance for which it was applied.