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i would think salty water would melt it faster

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1mo ago

Salt. When salt is added to ice, it lowers the freezing point of water, causing the ice to melt faster. This is because salt disrupts the hydrogen bonding between water molecules, making it easier for the molecules to break apart and melt.

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Q: What makes ice melt fastest salt or plain water?
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What is the fastest way to melt ice in a water bottle?

The fastest way to melt ice in a water bottle is to place it in warm water or wrap it in a warm towel. Both methods will transfer heat quickly to the ice, causing it to melt faster. Additionally, shaking the bottle can help distribute the warmer water around the ice, speeding up the melting process.

Which fabrics melt ice the fastest?

Fabrics that are good conductors of heat, such as polyester and wool, tend to melt ice the fastest. This is because they can absorb and transfer heat more efficiently compared to fabrics that are poor conductors, like cotton.

What makes ice melt faster sugar sandpepper or salt?

Salt makes ice melt faster than sugar, pepper, or sand. This is because salt lowers the freezing point of water, causing the ice to melt by creating a brine solution that is colder than the surrounding ice. Sugar and pepper will not melt ice as effectively as salt due to their chemical compositions. Sand does not impact the melting rate of ice because it does not lower the freezing point of water.

What kind of water melts the fastest?

I'm going to assume that by 'kind of water' you mean between fresh water and saltwater (average ocean water). Fresh water freezes at 32 degrees F (0 degrees C), and saltwater freezes at 28 degrees F (-2 degrees C). Therefore, based upon these numbers, if 2 equal sized samples of salt and fresh water were kept frozen in a container at 20 degrees F, and the temperature of each was suddenly increased to room temperature, the salt water would begin to melt sooner, and therefore, slightly faster.

Which method of heat transfer will melt a ice the fastest?

Conduction is the fastest method of heat transfer to melt ice. Placing the ice in direct contact with a warmer surface will transfer heat to the ice more rapidly than using convection or radiation.

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Which type of liquid makes ice cubes melt the fastest?

i THINK water

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The microwave or the stovetop will melt chocolate the fastest.

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Salt water

What makes ice melt fastest salt sugar pepper or sand?


Will lemonade water or sprite melt the fastest?

Sprite will likely melt the fastest because it has a higher sugar content than lemonade or water, which can lower the freezing point of the liquid, causing it to melt quicker.

What is the hypothesis of this question what makes ice melt the fastest sand salt sugar or sugar?

You need to determine what you think will melt the fastest, and that will be your hypothesis. If you think that pepper will melt it faster, you would say "My hypothesis is that the pepper will melt ice faster than the other variables (sand, salt, and sugar)."

What is the fastest way to melt ice in a water bottle?

The fastest way to melt ice in a water bottle is to place it in warm water or wrap it in a warm towel. Both methods will transfer heat quickly to the ice, causing it to melt faster. Additionally, shaking the bottle can help distribute the warmer water around the ice, speeding up the melting process.

Why does ice melt when salt is put on it?

Because salt water has a lower freezing point than usual plain water.

Which ice melts the fastest in water soda or glue?

Ice will melt fastest in water, as water has the lowest freezing point among the three substances. Soda contains dissolved sugars and acids that can lower its freezing point slightly, but it will still be slower to melt ice compared to water. Glue typically contains substances that can freeze at higher temperatures, so ice will melt slowest in glue.

Will an ice cube melt the fastest in fresh water or salt water?

it will depend on which of these waters is hotter. the hotter the water the faster the ice will melt. doesn't matter if the water is fresh or salty. its the temperature of the water that will determine how fast the ice melts.

What is the fastest way to melt ice in a cup of water or just a cup of ice?

put it in a microwave oven