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Transparent materials like glass and water allow light waves to pass through, while air and other gases let sound waves pass through. Materials that are opaque, like wood and metal, block both light and sound waves.

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Q: What lets light and sound waves through?
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Do light waves act like sound waves?

Light waves and sound waves are both forms of energy that move through a medium (such as air, water, or space), but they behave differently. Light waves are electromagnetic waves that can travel through a vacuum and at much higher speeds than sound waves, which are mechanical waves that require a medium to propagate. Additionally, light waves can be reflected, refracted, polarized, and diffracted, while sound waves primarily exhibit properties such as reflection, refraction, absorption, and interference.

How is sound energy different from light?

Sound energy is a form of mechanical energy that travels as waves through a medium such as air, water, or solids. Light energy, on the other hand, is a form of electromagnetic energy that does not require a medium to travel through and can propagate through a vacuum. Sound energy is typically perceived through the sense of hearing, while light energy is detected through the sense of sight.

What do you call an object that lets no light pass through?

An object that lets no light pass through is called opaque.

When a material is not see-through and lets no light through at all it is said to be?


Does sound transfer momentum?

Yes, sound waves carry momentum through the transfer of energy. When sound waves interact with a surface or medium, they can exert a force that transfers momentum to that surface or medium, causing it to vibrate or move. This transfer of momentum is an important aspect of how sound is produced and detected.

Related questions

What lets sound or light wave through?

vaccum chamber

Why is the sky not purple?

earth's atmosphere lets through nearly all waves of light BUT blue wavelengths.

Do light waves act like sound waves?

Light waves and sound waves are both forms of energy that move through a medium (such as air, water, or space), but they behave differently. Light waves are electromagnetic waves that can travel through a vacuum and at much higher speeds than sound waves, which are mechanical waves that require a medium to propagate. Additionally, light waves can be reflected, refracted, polarized, and diffracted, while sound waves primarily exhibit properties such as reflection, refraction, absorption, and interference.

Say true or false. all waves are traveling disturbances that carry energy from place to place?

It is true. A wave is a disturbance through space or time that carrys energy. For example, lets say sound waves. A sound wave carrys the energy (sound) to you.

How is sound energy different from light?

Sound energy is a form of mechanical energy that travels as waves through a medium such as air, water, or solids. Light energy, on the other hand, is a form of electromagnetic energy that does not require a medium to travel through and can propagate through a vacuum. Sound energy is typically perceived through the sense of hearing, while light energy is detected through the sense of sight.

How can sound be muffled?

Sounds can be muffled when something intercepts the sound wave (lets say a blanket) and the sound waves can only get through a little bit. You can't hear the sound clearly but can still hear it, so it is muffled!

The reason for this is that when the ball inside the bell hits the sides of the bell the bell vibrates and lets off a jingle sound this sound flows through the air and enters your ears.?

the sound particles travel in waves and enters your ears

What do you call an object that lets no light pass through?

An object that lets no light pass through is called opaque.

What light waves lets you see a sharp clear image of yourself in the water?


Does sound like light in passing from water to air?

Yes, the sound like the light is refracted and distorted. just like the broken spoon in a glass of water, sound waves under water are broken. Sound traveling from the air to the water are bent and scrambled, but lets say that the spoon was completely in the water, then it appear perfectly normal. so if the sound originated from the water then it would remain undistorted.

What is a solid that lets light travel through?


What is the name for something that lets light through?
