The wavelengths of waves used in microwave ovens are typically around 12.2 cm (2.45 GHz), while radar waves can have varying wavelengths depending on the application, ranging from centimeters to meters. Radar waves are typically longer in wavelength compared to microwave oven waves.
Yes, light energy is used in a microwave oven to generate microwaves that heat and cook food. However, the light energy in a microwave oven is not visible to the human eye.
Radio waves are used in microwaves to generate an electromagnetic field inside the microwave oven. This field causes water molecules in food to vibrate, generating heat through friction. This heat is what cooks or heats up the food placed inside the microwave oven.
Microwaves are electromagnetic waves that are used in microwave ovens to heat food by causing water molecules in the food to vibrate and generate heat. They are created by an electronic vacuum tube called a magnetron inside the microwave oven.
Microwaves use electromagnetic radiation in the form of microwaves to heat food by causing water molecules to vibrate, creating heat through friction.
The wavelengths of waves used in microwave ovens are typically around 12.2 cm (2.45 GHz), while radar waves can have varying wavelengths depending on the application, ranging from centimeters to meters. Radar waves are typically longer in wavelength compared to microwave oven waves.
Radio waves - in the microwave section of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Same way a radio transmitter produces radio waves. The device is called a magnetron, which is sometimes used as a pars pro toto for the whole microwave oven.
We'll assume that the question refers to a "microwave oven".The food in a microwave oven is cooked with a field of high-power radio energy at afrequency of 2.45 GHz (wavelength of 12 centimeters), that fills the box.
Radio waves are used to cook in millions of kitchens every day. They're the carrier of the energy that fills the so-called "microwave" oven.
There are no famous microwave oven commercials. There were a lot of commercials for microwave ovens in the 1970s, but none stood out as famous. This question probably should have asked what a commercial microwave oven is. A commercial microwave oven is a microwave oven used by restaurants and cafeterias.
The prefix micro in microwave is not maen to suggest a wavelenght in micrometer indicates that microwave are small compared to waves used in typical radio broadcasting in that they have shorter wavelenght.
A microwave oven is a cooking appliance, which is predominantly used for more rapid cooking
Yes, light energy is used in a microwave oven to generate microwaves that heat and cook food. However, the light energy in a microwave oven is not visible to the human eye.
Radio waves are used in microwaves to generate an electromagnetic field inside the microwave oven. This field causes water molecules in food to vibrate, generating heat through friction. This heat is what cooks or heats up the food placed inside the microwave oven.
a microwave oven is an ict tool as there are ict used in the production of it and in the way it works.
WiFi uses electromagnetic waves in the microwave band, around 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz.