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Different vessels that travel through water include ships, boats, submarines, and ferries. These vessels vary in size, design, and purpose, such as cargo ships for transporting goods, sailboats for leisure, and military submarines for covert missions.

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Q: What kind of different vessels travel through water?
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What are the three different mediums through which waves can travel?

The three different mediums through which waves can travel are solids (such as metal rods), liquids (such as water waves), and gases (such as sound waves in air). Waves can also travel through other mediums such as plasma and vacuum.

What is 4 ways light waves can travel?

Light waves can travel through a vacuum, as well as through transparent mediums such as air, water, and glass. They can also bounce off reflective surfaces and refract when passing through different mediums.

What is the kind of energy that can travel through different mediums but cannot travel through a vacuum?

Mechanical energy, such as sound waves, can travel through different mediums like air, water, and solids, but it cannot travel through a vacuum because there are no particles to transmit the waves.

Why are electromagnetic waves different from sound and water waves?

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to travel through, unlike sound and water waves which need a material medium. Electromagnetic waves also travel at the speed of light and can travel through a vacuum. Additionally, electromagnetic waves have different properties such as wavelength, frequency, and polarization compared to sound and water waves.

What are 3 materials mediums light can travel through?

Air, water, and glass are three common materials that light can travel through. Each material has different properties that affect how light travels through it, such as its density and refractive index.

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How do substances taken in from the soil move through the plant?

Substances taken in from the soil, like water and nutrients, enter the plant through the roots. They travel upward through the stem via the xylem vessels, which transport water. Nutrients, on the other hand, move through the phloem vessels to reach different parts of the plant.

What do different waves travel through?

Mechanical waves, such as sound waves, travel through a medium like air, water, or solids. Electromagnetic waves, like light and radio waves, can travel through a vacuum because they do not need a medium to propagate.

What are four different materials that sound can travel through?

Water, air, brick, and steel

What are the three different mediums through which waves can travel?

The three different mediums through which waves can travel are solids (such as metal rods), liquids (such as water waves), and gases (such as sound waves in air). Waves can also travel through other mediums such as plasma and vacuum.

How are electromagnetic (or light) waves different from water and sound waves?

Light waves and electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space. Water waves can only travel through matter. Hope this helped!

What is 4 ways light waves can travel?

Light waves can travel through a vacuum, as well as through transparent mediums such as air, water, and glass. They can also bounce off reflective surfaces and refract when passing through different mediums.

How does water travel through water?


What is the kind of energy that can travel through different mediums but cannot travel through a vacuum?

Mechanical energy, such as sound waves, can travel through different mediums like air, water, and solids, but it cannot travel through a vacuum because there are no particles to transmit the waves.

Can radio signal travel through salt water?

Radio signals can travel through salt water.

How does water reach all the parts of the leaf?

Water is transported to all parts of the leaf through special vessels called xylem. These vessels help in the upward movement of water from the roots to the leaves through a process called transpiration. Water is also distributed to different areas of the leaf through veins and cells, ensuring that all parts receive the necessary hydration for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes.

Why are electromagnetic waves different from sound and water waves?

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to travel through, unlike sound and water waves which need a material medium. Electromagnetic waves also travel at the speed of light and can travel through a vacuum. Additionally, electromagnetic waves have different properties such as wavelength, frequency, and polarization compared to sound and water waves.

How can you travel?

you can travel in lots of different ways through air: planes helicopters through water: boat ship submarine on the ground: cars on foot trains bicycles bus taxies